Join Us for a Chronic Pain Twitter Chat
Drop in for a special Twitter chat on chronic pain May 21, 2014 at 2 p.m. EST. We will be tweeting from @SpiritHealthMag. Join the conversation by following the hashtag #PainChat.
If you suffer from chronic pain, you’re not alone—around 100 million Americans are estimated to be living with low-back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, or dozens of other painful conditions that can reduce their quality of life.
Nashville’s Jill Clendening shares her story in the May/June 2014 issue of Spirituality & Health, describing the frustration, shame, and isolation of suffering from a condition nobody seemed to understand:
“At the most extreme, I couldn’t walk, couldn’t drive a car, couldn’t function,” she recalls. “Here I was in my 20s, having always taken care of myself—physically fit, active—and suddenly I was incapacitated.”
But Jill also talks about how mind-body techniques like meditation, biofeedback and yoga helped her control her pain:
“All of those things combined are what keeps me functioning.”
We’d like to hear your story of chronic pain—whether it’s affected you or someone you love—and learn what therapies and practices have helped you take back your life. Read our cover story, "Inside the Mind of Chronic Pain", then drop in for a special Twitter chat on chronic pain May 21 at 2 p.m. EST. Follow the hashtag #PainChat to join the conversation with Jill, therapist Tobi Fishel, and the editors of S&H.