
Ritual: When Organizing Becomes an Act of Beauty

Ritual: When Organizing Becomes an Act of Beauty

by Lois Heckman

The week of October 5th is designated as “National Get Organized” week. Getting organized is something many of us strive to do, day in and day out, but often have difficulty accomplishing. What a wonderful opportunity this is, then—to have a week to truly dig in. Taking on daunting tasks is always challenging, but if we approach it with a bigger picture in mind, it can become an act of beauty.

Cleaning an area can become cleansing an area. A physical cleaning can also be a spiritual one. Packing up clothing or unneeded items becomes an act of charity when given away to a friend or worthy cause.

Every culture and religion has rituals for cleansing. It provides us the opportunity to return balance to our lives, and stop and live in the moment. Purification can also help you banish negative energy. Like feng shui, the concept of repositioning things to be aesthetically pleasing and invite positive energy, cleaning and organizing can open up space, literally and figuratively.

If you are struggling over giving things away, find several items that perhaps you have been hesitant to get rid of but know you should. Think about why those items hold significance for you, and think about how they might move forward in the world to provide something meaningful for someone else.

You may discover forgotten items while cleaning up, and these can be newly displayed, reframed, or repurposed, reminding you of the past, and connecting you to the present and future. You might create an altar or special place to display old items made new again.

When you are finished cleaning, sprinkle some fragrant herbs on the floor, and proceed to sweep the floors while thinking of sweeping out the negative energy. It’s a good idea to start and finish near a door, so that negative energy can be “swept” outside. You might also consider cleaning from east to west, following the path of the sun.

After you have cleared or cleansed an area, take a few moments to sit quietly, light a candle or burn incense, and enjoy the space. You will be reminded of your glorious week of getting organized and the feeling of openness. Let the positive energy flow.

About the author: Lois Heckman is a certified Life-Cycle Celebrant with an active celebrant practice in the Poconos Mountains of Pennsylvania. Lois and her husband created a beautiful ceremony space on their land, called Harmony Gardens, where she also performs wedding ceremonies. It is Lois’ passion and calling to celebrate life’s milestones in unique, meaningful, and honest ways.

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