
How to Follow Your Dreams

How to Follow Your Dreams

Credit Michael Alexander

A retreat can bring more balance into our lives so we can move boldly towards our biggest dreams.

We all want to live the life of our dreams, but how willing are we to do the spiritual, emotional and psychological work it takes to actually bring them into fruition? This can be challenging, as it requires us to take a closer look at old "I can't" stories that may be holding us back from being our best. To do this, we have to take 100% responsibility for our feelings, thoughts and actions, do some emotional weeding, and create a supportive inner and outer environment that helps us expand and grow. Like practicing headstand in yoga, with a strong core, balance and a stable foundation, there are no heights we cannot reach.

For inspiration on boldly pursuing whatever you consider the impossible, watch our latest episode on location at Oneworld Retreats in Bali, where we participated in a 5-day workshop geared at helping us - and eight other brave souls - follow their dreams with more strength, clarity and purpose. With daily yoga, healing spa treatments and insightful prompts from mindfulness experts to help us address our fears, limitations and subconscious inner obstacles, this retreat brought more balance into our lives so we could plant new seeds and move boldly towards our biggest dreams.

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