We all know the drill with New Year’s resolutions. Make a fancy wish. Look to the twinkling lights of the holidays. Hope for the best. Mmm hmm.But haven’t New Years resolutions bee…
I carefully pulled back the strings on the shiny bow of the hand-wrapped Christmas gift. I tore the wrapping paper gently from around it’s soft body. The paper crumpled easily in m…
There’s an interesting story about a woman being chased by a tiger. She is running for her life and comes to the edge of a cliff. Here, she notices a sturdy vine, and climbs down t…
It was 1969. The world, unbeknownst to most people, had just entered the Age of Aguarius and I, unbeknownst to me, had just entered the age of reason. The NBC TV show Laugh In aire…
You know that experience when someone near to you is stuck in an emotional puddle of yuck, and there is nothing you can do about it but watch it play out? They’re stuck in a patter…
It was the summer of 1922, and a small paper in Paris known for it’s investigative news, city gossip and incisive editorials, was also known for posing a series of questions to its…
It had been a long, hot day and I was ready for the heat to subside. Now, the sun was setting behind a stretch of jungle palm, ohia and mango trees, and as the ambrosial hour set i…
I stumbled upon a book recently. It was a hot and muggy Saturday afternoon and I was trying to distract, or maybe focus, a restless mind on something other than sweating. Now, days…
It’s pretty easy to feel grateful when good things happen. Win the lottery or fall in love? Easy. But what if you lose your spouse, or child, or even your job, how do we find grati…
There is a pink elephant in the room. It’s name is the religious right, and I am calling it out. Turns out they do not like the Pope (though many others do: #popecrush). What has c…
As individuals, we long for it. As human beings, we crave it and in fact we cannot live without it for long. As a culture, we obsess on it.Love.We have a communal dialogue about it…
Never speak badly about yourself.It’s a simple statement, one many of us would agree with in concept. But do you follow it’s advice? Probably not. Because our inner critic speaks t…