How Listening to Your Gut Can Curb Anxiety: An Eater’s Guide
Creating balance in your gut can help to alleviate your anxiety.
Koen Emmers/Unsplash
For thousands of years, humans have valued citrus fruits for their healing and restorative properties. In ancient Rome, for example, lemons were a status symbol often only consumed by the wealthy. Oranges were called for in 17th- and 18th-century cookbooks from the United Kingdom, Northern Europe, and the American colonies, and sailors kept a healthy stock of lemons and limes on their ships to quench their thirst and steward their health.
Our ancestors didn’t hesitate to take advantage of the bounty of vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, and hydrating qualities of citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, kumquats, lemons, tangerines, and limes. Even if they didn’t know why these fruits were beneficial, they observed that consuming them improved health. Plus, they found them pretty delicious, so it was a win all around. What about bathing in citrus? More on that later...
Ancient practitioners of magick also sensed and assigned specific associations to the different species of citrus. Lemon, for instance, was prized for its purifying energy, and so its juice was added to washes for walls and doors to help keep the body and home free of negative influences. To this day lemon is a popular scent for cleaning products and is added to tea and water for drinking.
[Read: “Is Lemon Water Really Good for You?”]
Oranges have long been used in Chinese Medicine to treat digestive issues and are associated with money and the sun for their rich orange hue. Limes share many of the lemon’s metaphysical properties but are also often used to invoke joy. Grapefruit, too, has uplifting properties in addition to protective and purifying characteristics.
Though citrus fruits ripen in winter, they’re an amazing culinary and magickal ingredient for any time of the year.
One beautiful way to invoke citrus’ health benefits and magickal properties is with a ritual citrus bath. Perfect for any time of year, bathing in citrus can relax, restore, strengthen, or purify, depending on what you need most. Try the ritual below when you need a boost to your immune system, your spiritual energy, or both!
The combined holistic and magickal properties of citrus fruits make them a powerful ingredient to add to a ritual bath that’s both soothing and energizing. This ritual combines the solar energy association of citrus with the soothing power of oats and the detoxifying properties of Epsom salts.
All three ingredients soothe, firm, and tone the skin while simultaneously recharging your spiritual energy.
[Read: “If You Wouldn’t Eat It, Why Would You Slather It On?”]
To perform the citrus bath ritual, you’ll need:
Follow these steps:
Consider other ways immersion heal with “13 Tips for Taking a Bath to Soothe Your Chronic Pain.”
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