Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo
Zaya Benazzo is a filmmaker from Bulgaria. For many years, she worked as an environmental activist in Holland and Bulgaria, and later produced and directed several award-winning documentaries in Europe and the United States. Maurizio Benazzo grew up in Italy, and in 1984 came to the United States on a ninety-eight-year-old sailing boat. He started working as an actor, model, and filmmaker, but his thirst for knowledge was only satisfied in 2001 upon encountering I Am That, the seminal work by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Maurizio and Zaya merged their lifelong passions for science and mysticism. This project sparked their next level of creation and collaboration: Science and Nonduality (SAND)—a global community inspired by the timeless wisdom traditions, informed by modern science, and grounded in direct experience.
Glimpsing the Divine
"One of the sweetest ways I know of to recognize nondual presence is to gaze int…