Traci Pedersen
Traci Pedersen is a professional freelance writer who specializes in psychology, science, health, and spiritual themes. Some of her most recent work includes covering the latest research news in science and psychology, writing science chapter books for elementary students, and developing teacher resource books. When she is not researching and writing, she is spending time with her family, reading anything and everything, and going to the beach as often as possible.

You Are the Hero of Your Own Story
Now is your chance to to see yourself as the hero of your own tale.
Got Difficult People in Your Life? Think of Them as Teachers
Ask yourself the question, “What are they trying to teach me?”
Deep Ties to the Earth: How One Northern Cree Tribe Finds Peace of Mind
A new study reveals that the community’s strength and resilience are tied to the…
Silent Night: Journaling Under the Moon
As another year comes to a close and we look forward to new beginnings, this is …
Empathy: Medicine for a Wounded World
Eight ways to shift your thoughts to develop deeper empathy and help raise the v…
Strengthen Your Bond in Nature
Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley…
Is Your Heart Chakra Open to Love?
We are all psychic, and it is through the heart chakra that we can access this information. ~ Servet Hasan
Meditation Candles Light the Way for Prayer and Spiritual Beauty
Rich in spiritual history, meditation candles are the perfect way to turn your h…
Women Supporting Women: Leaving the “Mean Girl” Era Behind Us
“There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make …
Finding Spiritual Strength in Severe Illness
“Some people awaken spiritually without ever coming into contact with any medita…
Are Your Actions Rooted in Fear?
“Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don’t want.” —…
Aging With Divine Feminine Beauty
All women possess divine feminine energy. This is an eternal, creative energy th…
Achieve More By Resisting Less: Understanding the Spiritual Law of Least Effort
“Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality, it brings something enti…
Chakra Flowers for Spiritual Healing
Each flower has a unique color and essence that vibrationally corresponds with o…
Color Your Way to Peace
“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” ~ Pablo Pi…
Feng Shui for Summer
In feng shui, summer is connected to the “fame and reputation” aspect of your li…
The Transformation of Yoga in America
Today, yoga seems as much a part of U.S. culture and fitness as aerobics and spi…
See the Forest Through the Trees
“Forget what hurt you in the past, but never forget what it taught you. However,…
Light Therapy Shows Promise for Gulf War Syndrome
It could be a scene from a futuristic 80’s movie: A helmeted, goggled man sits i…
Eat Leafy Greens for a Sharper Brain
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” —Hippocrates A new s…
The Connection Between Self-Esteem and Self-Clarity
What do you think of yourself? Do you feel that you are kind or unkind, successf…
Intensive Mindfulness for Depression
What’s been on your mind lately? If you’re like most of us, a lot of your time i…
When Farming Meets Technology: Sharing Survival Gardening Tips by Cell Phone
“A leader’s job is not to do the work for others; it’s to help others figure out…
More Retirees Are Volunteering Around the World
“Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” ~ Betty F…
A Strong Sense of Purpose May Protect Your Heart
In just a few decades, our understanding of the mind and body has risen dramatic…
Got a Busy Schedule? You May Not Need More Time, Just Energy and Perspective
Do you keep a running to-do list that never seems to end? Do self-directed comma…
How Feelings of Awe Lower Inflammation
Do you know a person who still seems to retain a childlike sense of wonder well …
Release Your Stress for a Good Night’s Sleep
Stress can make getting to sleep at night a very real challenge.
Forest Bathing
“But I’ll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest, a…
The Healing Powers of Light Therapy
Bright light therapy has long been an effective treatment for people suffering f…
Can Spirituality Protect Against Negative Emotions in Heart Disease?
There is no doubt how strongly our negative emotions affect our physiology. When…
Sacred Moments in Therapy
The therapist-patient relationship is unique: only one person opens his heart to…
Can a Hug a Day Keep the Doctor Away?
It’s cold and flu season again — make sure you get plenty of sleep, take s…
The Problem of Unnecessary Antibiotics: And the Power of Natural Alternatives
When your doctor tells you that your cold symptoms are due to a virus (and not a…
Is Pain Keeping You Awake at Night? Try Shiatsu.
The strong mental attention needed for shiatsu may be enough in itself to help p…
Vajrayana: Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Dramatically Boosts Brain Power
Vajrayana, an advanced form of Tibetan Buddhist meditation, has been shown to dr…
Spiritual Intimacy Linked to More Kindness, Respect in Relationship
Are you and your partner spiritually intimate? In other words, do you share your…
One Gram of Turmeric a Day May Help Keep Dementia Away
Herbs and spices do far more than add flavor to our food; many are powerhouses o…
Holistic Therapy Reverses Memory Decline in Alzheimer’s Patients
A new UCLA study has found that when individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) s…
Childhood Beliefs About Soul, Afterlife Stick With Us
Do you believe in an eternal soul? Is there an afterlife? Whatever you answer, y…
Yoga and Meditation Protect Cancer Survivors at Cellular Level
Meditation and yoga are renowned for their ability to help cancer survivors alle…
The Power of Interfaith Prayer to Unite Cultures and Religions
What happens when people of different faiths pray together? According to Gandhi,…
The Significance of End-of-Life Dreams and Visions
For many of us, an amazing phenomenon will occur in the final weeks before takin…
New Study: Being Reminded of Your Religion Lowers Hostility
Feeling angry or intolerant today? According to a new study by York University, …
Shedding Light on Mental Illness in the Church
The stigma of serious mental illness is reaching the end of a long tunnel, so to…
For a Positive Body Image, Choose Self-Compassion Over Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is the practice of seeing yourself as above average. And in a world …
Group Nature Walks Improve Mental Health
"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." ~ John Muir Fo…
Finding an Identity After Leaving the Church
“Define yourself radically as one beloved by God. This is the true self. Every o…
Meditation Helps Relieve Migraine Misery
A new study shows that mindfulness meditation may help lessen the duration and s…
Praying to a Loving God Guards Against Anxiety Disorders
Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening. ~ Mahatma Gandhi …
To Give or Not to Give: What Prompts Us to Donate to Charity?
A homeless man stands on the corner holding a cardboard sign with the word “Hung…
Religion, Prayer Linked to Better Mood in Elderly
A new study reminds us to check in with our older family members to make sure th…
The Healing Power of Poetry in the Wake of Suicide
On September 10th, The International Association for Suicide Prevention will ack…
After the War: Healing Native American Veterans
Many hospitals and treatment centers have begun offering holistic therapies for …
Do You Suffer from Secondhand Stress?
Do you cringe when you see someone get yelled at, hurt, or embarrassed? Do you t…
Acupuncture: Bringing the Body Back into Balance
Many people are increasingly turning to acupuncture—one of the oldest heal…
Magic Words: ‘I’m Sorry’
Have you ever been hurt by an unapologetic person? Most of us have. When this ha…
Grateful People Are Happier People
"A simple grateful thought turned heavenwards is the most perfect prayer."&mdash…
A Little Meditation Goes a Long Way
You don’t need to be an expert in mindfulness meditation to experience its amazi…
Holistic Exercise Helps Patients with Dementia
Do you know someone who suffers from dementia? Witnessing a loved one slowly los…
Hypnosis Improves Deep Sleep
A new study suggests that listening to audio hypnosis just before bed may help s…
How Meditation and Mindfulness Help Ease Chronic Illness
A novel study found that patients who practice meditation and mindfulness experi…
The New List of Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables
Researchers have just devised a new list of powerhouse fruits and veggies (PFV).…
Tai Chi Slows Aging
Tai Chi is often described as meditation in motion. This ancient Chinese practic…
Take a Walk to Boost Creative Thinking
A new study shows that walking—as opposed to sitting—significantly i…
A Little Mind Wandering During Meditation Helps Process Emotions
Do you have trouble staying completely focused during meditation? Do your though…
Eat Your Flowers
"Just living is not must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flowe…
Playing Outside Nurtures Spirituality in Children
"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to…
Laughter Produces Brain Waves Similar to Meditation
Seeking out something to laugh about on a daily basis—such as watching you…
Green Tea Instantly Boosts Working Memory
Do you need an extra surge of brain power for a big test or a difficult project?…
Meditative State of Mind Linked to Breathing Focus
Your state of mind is closely linked to the many physiological processes going o…
Is Immortality an Intuitive Belief?
A belief in human immortality—that our bodies die but our spirits continue…
7 Stories to Inspire Getting Outdoors
Spring is here! It’s time to come out of hibernation and step into the great out…
Sweet Dreams on Demand
You’re taking a morning walk with your best friend around a pristine lake, when …
Honey: The Sweet Solution to Antibiotic Resistance
Since ancient times, honey has been used as a natural cure for infections, burns…
7 Stories to Tap into Your Creative Flow
Think back to how you played as a child. Remember how it felt to create your own…
Struggling with Food Cravings? Mindfulness Can Help
Do you struggle with intense food cravings? If so, you understand that powerless…
10 Keys to a Happier Life
What are the daily habits of truly happy people? And how can we incorporate thes…
The Moon’s Effect on Sleep
Humans have a love affair with the moon. And rightly so. This beautiful celestia…
Mandala Art: Drawing Your Way to Wholeness
“The mandala is an archetypal image whose occurrence is attested throughout the …
Feeling Positive with Negative Ions
Negative ions are anything but negative when it comes to your health. Recent stu…