Stefanie Ruth
Stefanie Ruth is the #1 best-selling author of Your Sacred Journey: The Ultimate Guidebook to Align Your Mind, Body, & Spirit (Manifest It® Publishing, 2023).
She is a speech-language pathologist, Reiki Master Teacher, ordained minister, EFT Practitioner, and Akashic Records reader. Stefanie provides Reiki sessions and certification classes to help people find mind-body-spirit balance worldwide.
She is the sole illustrator and creator of "Mind Body Spirit Affirmation Cards," a 44-card empowering affirmation deck. Learn more at and follow her on Instagram (@live.and.breathe.reiki).

The Ins and Outs of an Akashic Records Reading
The Akashic Records hold deep mysteries of the universe. Learn more about why yo…
The Benefits of Writing Letters to Your Younger Self
Get in touch with your inner child by writing healing letters to your younger se…