Shayla Cherry
Shayla Cherry is a freelance writer and editor. She's passionate about holistic health, regenerative agriculture, and respectful parenting. Shayla lives on the Big Island of Hawai'i, where she spends her free time growing food, chasing waterfalls, and playing in the waves with her five-year-old son. Follow her adventures here.

Circadian Rhythms: How to Light Your Way to Better Sleep
Aligning your daily routine with the rhythm of day and night can drastically imp…
5 Ways to Channel Your Inner Caveperson Now
Rest in a squat, ditch your mattress, and more to tap into your ancestral bio-in…
Parasympathetic Stimulation: How to Improve Your Vagal Tone
Cold therapy, vocalization, and socializing are just three of six ways to improv…
17 Healthy Habits to Start (or Restart) Now
As the world begins to open up again, we have the opportunity to reinvent oursel…
The Role of Reiki in a Healing Crisis
Reiki is a subtle yet powerful form of energy medicine. It can resolve a healing…
Be Your Own Nurse in a Healing Crisis
A healing crisis brought on by a holistic health treatment is no cause for panic…
Be Your Own Healing Crisis Guide
A healing crisis is any event in which you feel worse on your way to feeling bet…