Shannon Kaiser
Shannon Kaiser is the best-selling author of 5 books on the psychology of happiness and fulfillment, including The Self-Love Experiment, Adventures for Your Soul, and Joy Seeker. Her latest, Return to You: 11 Spiritual Lessons for Unshakable Inner Peace, will be published by Sounds True in April 2022. She is also the creator of the Unshakable Inner Peace Oracle Cards deck. As an international life coach, speaker, and retreat leader, she helps people awaken and align with their true selves so they can live their highest potential. Connect with her at and follow along social @ShannonKaiserWrites.

22 Affirmations to Ease Overthinking
Stuck in a thought-loop of negative self-talk? Try utilizing positive affirmatio…
20 Affirmations for Healing Heartache and Loss
Experiencing grief? No matter its form, affirmations can assist in the process o…
30 Soothing Bedtime Mantras for Better Sleep
Use one of these thirty affirmations to sink into a deep, restful sleep tonight.…
25 Healing Self-Love Affirmations
Self-love doesn’t always come easy, but affirmations can help. “I love who I am …
15 Affirmations to Commune With Your Helping Spirits
If you feel spiritually ungrounded and disconnected, try these affirmations to c…
22 Affirmations for Shamanic Journeying
Use these 22 affirmations to develop and strengthen your shamanic journeying pra…
17 Affirmations to Help Manifest Your Dream Life
The life you desire most is possible, and is even within your grasp—practice any…
15 Inner Child Journaling Prompts to Spark Healing
Need help caring for yourself? You might benefit from inner child journaling.…
3 DIY Crystal Mists to Calm, Boost, and Manifest
Create adaptogenic, crystal-infused face and body mists to revitalize and boost …
A Prayer to Release Judgment
What often blocks us from love is judgment. When things feel uncertain, we can f…
4 Exercises to Build Trust and Confidence in Your Intuition
Whether you lean clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, or claircognizant, yo…
Take This Fun Intuition Quiz to Determine Your Intuitive Style
Do antique stores unsettle you? Do you have a great sense of direction? An intui…
Meditation for Letting Go of a Relationship or Friend
All relationships are divine assignments. A meditation for letting go emphasizes…
7 New Ways to Get Closer to Your Partner This Valentine’s Day
Ask questions, read each other’s dreams, make chakra soups, and more.
14 Spiritual Affirmations to Assist in Your Awakening
Consider a spiritual awakening as a major wake-up call from the universe. Spirit…
Future Field Trip: A Writing Ritual for Alignment and Inner Peace
Try this guided writing ritual to set intentions and meet your future self.…
10 Tried and True Anxiety Relief Affirmations for Staying Calm in the Chaos
“Anxiety isn’t trying to limit me but free me from a situation that no longer fe…
6 Things in Your House That Could Be Triggering Stress
Clutter, chemicals, negative media, and more can unknowingly cause stress. The g…
20 Mental Health Mantras to Keep Top-of-Mind This Holiday Season
Go-to mantras to relieve holiday stress, anxiety, and depression.
Oracle Cards for Beginners
Discover how they differ from tarot cards, how to choose the right oracle deck, …
16 Affirmations to Help Connect With Your Spirit Guides
We have an energic support system around us at all times, but it’s up to us to r…
20 Autumn Affirmations to Embrace Shorter, Darker Days
Autumn has a bright and a dark side. Autumn affirmations can help you savor the …
Are You Blocked? Take This Chakra Quiz to Find Out
Answer eight chakra quiz questions to determine where there’s imbalance in your …
15 Affirmations for Releasing a Relationship That No Longer Feels Aligned
Remember—letting go is not the same as giving up.
5 Steps to Harness Spiritual Vibration for Manifesting
The things you want all have a vibrational energy to them.
20 Affirmations for Good Vibes During Mercury Retrograde
This is not the time to take action or move ahead. Instead, it is a cosmic clean…
20 Affirmations for Empaths Who Feel the Pain of the World
Self-care reminder: Just because you feel it doesn’t mean you’re responsible for…
Do a Sacred Home Cleanse Using Vibrational Energy Clearing
Just like our physical bodies, our homes can become cluttered with energy that d…
6 Ways to Improve Gut Health With Vibrational Energy Healing
Vibrational energy healing has a direct correlation to our overall health and we…
14 Affirmations That Make Changing Your Habits Infinitely Easier
To create lasting change, you have to look at all layers of your lifestyle, incl…
6 Vibrational Healing Practices for Anxiety and Excessive Overthinking
Anything and everything you ingest has a vibration, so be mindful and bring an a…
5 Vibrational Healing Methods for Chronic Pain and Body Aches
Vibrational healing isn’t new, but it has recently become more mainstream.…
14 Affirmations for Getting Along With People You Disagree With
Divisiveness takes a psychic toll on humanity. Affirmations remind us that we al…
11 Affirmations for When You’re Feeling Lonely and Isolated
Try these 11 affirmations for overcoming loneliness and bringing peace and spiri…
7 Affirmations to Ease Post-Breakup Stress
“I release the pain that I am holding in my heart … I feel what needs to come up…
9 Affirmations to Clear Your Fear and Embrace Daily Miracles
Consider a miracle as a “shift in perception, from fear to love.”
14 Affirmations to Unlock a More Joyful Life
Use these affirmations for unlocking a more joyful life to get through a dark ti…
10 Affirmations for Your Next Full Moon Ritual
Every full moon is a chance to metaphorically and physically drop anything that …
6 Ways to Harness the Power of the Sacred Feminine
Humanity has neglected and disregarded the feminine for millennia. Embracing the…
Reclaim Rest: A Rest-Guided Meditation to Help You Connect to Calm Instantly
Reclaim rest with a rest guided meditation that will take you on a journey of se…
16 Affirmations for Surrender and Trust
Stuck and disappointed? Affirmations for surrender and trust can help get you th…
I Am Done: 20 Beliefs I Am Done With
Is there a better time to liberate yourself from what no longer serves you? Emot…
10 Best Foods For Eye Health
Though lifestyle and genetics play a role in our overall health, when it comes t…
Get Grounded With These 3 Root Chakra Soups (Plus 1 Bonus Recipe)
Are you looking for more clarity, confidence, security, and balance in your life…
Top 12 Cold and Flu Fighting Foods
Boost your immune system during cold and flu season with these 12 foods that pac…
Book Review: Joy Seeker by Shannon Kaiser
Fears, insecurities, and limiting beliefs impede our happiness and prevent us fr…
7 Ways Solo Travel Helps You Uncover Joy
Shannon Kaiser thought she was traveling the world to check off items on her buc…
5 Sacred Lessons I Learned from Shamans and Ayahuasca
“Plant medicine showed me that all we have to do is be who we are, love and ligh…
Sweet Surrender—The Elegant Act of Letting Go
Excerpt from Adventures for Your Soul: 21 Ways to Transform Your Habits and Reac…