Rose Caiola
Succeeding at Personal Transformation
Research reveals the following trends about why most people don’t succeed in creating positive change in their lives and how to improve their odds.
The Ajna Light: Healing Benefits
The Ajna Light offers a unique opportunity to experience relaxation effects.…
Can The Enneagram Personality Test Help Us Grow?
My own positive intention toward growth often means taking a good hard look at a…
Aging With Consciousness
Baby Boomers, never ones for rocking chairs, are increasingly looking at life’s …
Silence for Inner Peace
While we’ll never escape noise completely, we can create necessary moments of qu…
How to Know if the Message Is Real
It’s important not to miss—or dismiss—what our intuition is telling us.
Creating Balance in Our Lives by Changing the Way We Think
“Balance” is a word I use every day. Did you know we can achieve balance and the…