Rachel Naomi Remen, MD
Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, is a clinical professor of family and community medicine at University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, and the founder and director of the Remen Institute for the Study of Health and Illness at Commonweal. She’s an internationally recognized medical educator whose innovative discovery model courses in professionalism and resiliency are taught at more than a hundred medical schools worldwide. Her bestselling books, Kitchen Table Wisdom and My Grandfather’s Blessings, are published in twenty-four languages. Dr. Remen has a sixty-five-year personal history of chronic illness, and her work is a potent blend of the perspectives and wisdom of physician and patient. For more, visit rachelremen.com.

The Healing Gift of Cats
“Both Orange and I ate the same food every day. But I ate it with resentment and…