Michele Rae
Michele Rae, R.Ph., MA is the founder of The Center Within, LLC and author of Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming. She provides holistic coaching for personal, professional and organizational transformation. While coaching with Michele, clients become more confident and engaged as they enhance their gifts, talents, wisdom and passions. They also gain clarity and power as they expose and unblock limiting beliefs, stuck patterns and fears. During individual sessions and organizational development, Michele utilizes her abilities in deep listening, intuition, appreciative inquiry, spiritual practices, mind-body skills, presence and emotional intelligence. Working with Michele, clients create self-directed strategies to implement the changes they desire to create a life they love.
You can reach Michele at [email protected] and learn more about her and the workshops she offers at her website www.Centerwithin.com

Live as an Everyday Mystic
How are you participating in co-creating paradigm shifts in your personal and pr…