Lydia Dugdale MD, MAR
Lydia Dugdale MD, MAR, is Dorothy L. and Daniel H. Silberberg Associate Professor of Medicine and director of the Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at Columbia University. Prior to her 2019 move to Columbia, she was associate director of the program for Biomedical Ethics and founding co-director of the Program for Medicine, Spirituality, and Religion at Yale School of Medicine. She is an internal medicine primary care doctor and medical ethicist. Her first book, Dying in the Twenty-First Century (MIT Press, 2015), provides the theoretical grounding for her new book, The Lost Art of Dying (July 2020), in which you can further explore hopeful perspectives on death and dying—and living with intention—via the lost Medieval practice of ars moriendi. Dugdale lives with her husband and daughters in New York City.

The One Who Cares
If we started the year 2020 with audacious hopes for perfect vision—seeing more …
Dying Without Religion: The Existential Concern
Does a nonspecific spirituality (aka spiritual but not religious) suffice to add…
Your Prescription: Look at Art
“Meditation on the 16th century Isenheim Altarpiece was prescribed to the sick. …