Julie Peters
Julie Peters (MA, E-RYT, YACEP) has been practicing yoga and meditation for 25 years and ran Ocean and Crow Yoga Studio in Vancouver, BC, for more than a decade. She has written two books: Secrets of the Eternal Moon Phase Goddesses: Meditations on Desire, Relationships, and the Art of Being Broken (SkyLight Paths) and the Canada Book Award-winning Want: 8 Steps to Recovering Desire, Passion, and Pleasure After Sexual Assault (Mango Media). She teaches live and recorded online yoga classes over at her website www.juliepeters.ca and offers body-based counseling and tarot readings one-on-one as well. Follow her at @juliepeterswellness.

The Spiritual Meaning of the Strength Tarot Card
The Strength tarot card is more complex than what it offers at face value. Can y…
Guided Meditation with the Ancient Hebrew Goddess Asherah
This meditation will introduce you to Asherah, who once ruled as a Canaanite mot…
Why You Might Need Internal Boundaries
What does it look like to establish boundaries within yourself when your needs a…
Lessons from Asherah, God’s Secret Wife
In ancient pre-Judeo-Christian tradition, God had a divine consort. Learn more a…
Lessons from Sky Woman and the Haudenosaunee Creation Story
The Haudenosaunee story of the creation of Turtle Island (now known as North Ame…
Am I (and Is Everyone Around Me) a Narcissist?
How do we know if we or someone in our lives is a narcissist? And then what do w…
The Spiritual Meaning of Eye Issues
When issues arise with the eyes and our vision, we may want to consider how we a…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Magician Tarot Card
If the Magician shows up for you in a tarot reading, you’d better pay attention.…
Gnosticism: Christianity’s Hidden Tradition
Gnosticism has always existed alongside traditional Christianity and still holds…
Guided Meditation: The Spiritual Meaning of Your Cold or Flu
While colds and flus are common annoyances, they may also teach us spiritual les…
Guided Meditation: The Spiritual Meaning of Your Lower Back Pain
Your lower back pain may just have wisdom to teach you.
How Views on Death Affect Everyday Life
How does your perspective on the afterlife affect how you live your day to day?…
3 Ways to Heal with the Cycles of Nature
By tuning into solar, lunar, and personal cycles, we can find opportunities for …
Lessons from the Morrigan, Goddess of Sovereignty
The Morrigan is a fierce goddess who protects her people and the land. Explore h…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Two of Pentacles Tarot Card
The Two of Pentacles shows that we may be playing an unfair balancing act. Learn…
The Spiritual Meaning of Psoriasis
How and where your psoriasis presents itself can give insight into matters of th…
What Is Your Divine Masculine Archetype?
Divine masculine archetypes represent powerful ways of being. Learn more about h…
What is Authenticity?
When looking for your “authentic self,” you may discover that you actually conta…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Four of Cups Tarot Card
The Four of Cups tarot card represents the potential of an unknown emotional jou…
The Spiritual Meaning of Elbow Pain and Tennis Elbow
Soreness and pain can teach us lessons about how we are acting (or not acting) i…
Lessons from the Buddhist Goddess Quan Yin
The Buddhist goddess of compassion can teach us how to balance softness with fie…
Lessons from the Cailleach, Goddess of Winter
From this Celtic goddess’s perspective, the winter is the beginning of everythin…
Guided Meditation: Inanna's Descent into the Underworld
Meditating on the archetypal story of Inanna and her sister Ereshkigal can bring…
Lessons from the Goddess Yemoya
The Yoruba goddess Yemoya teaches us about the power of divine femininity and ho…
What If the Meaning of Life Is in the Body?
How would your day-to-day life change if you knew your sole purpose in this life…
Would You Bring a Goddess to Therapy?
When dealing with a traumatized inner child, adults who were parentified as chil…
The Spiritual Meaning of Warts
Warts can be frustrating and annoying. Consider the potential spiritual meaning …
Guided Meditation: Wisdom from Baba Yaga
This short guided meditation leads you into the woods to meet Baba Yaga, an anci…
Navigating November: 8 Self-Care Tips for Early Winter
Late fall and early winter encourage us to slow down in spite of the busyness of…
Lessons from the Greek Goddess Hera
Though often seen as a cruel and jealous goddess, Hera represents an ancient, pr…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Six of Pentacles
You can’t be in control and receive life’s blessings at the same time. The Six o…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Knight of Cups Tarot Card
The Knight of Cups can teach us how to integrate the lessons of love into our li…
Is It My Intuition or Fear?
Intuition and fear often feel similar but have very different effects on our dec…
Maiden, Mother, Crone: The Goddess Cycles in Nature and Your Life
Contemplating these three archetypes of the Goddess can help provide insight int…
Is Abstinence the Only Cure for Addiction?
Abstinence has long been recommended as the ultimate treatment for addiction. Bu…
A Guided Meditation for Dream Recall
Trying to remember your dreams more clearly? Queue this meditation up on your ph…
The Spiritual Meaning of Thumb Pain
Though we often forget their importance, our thumbs help us accomplish innumerab…
How Helpful Is Plant Medicine for Pain and Mental Health?
Many people report that plant medicines have helped ease their pain, anxiety, an…
Lessons from Baba Yaga
Both feared and revered, the Slavic Baba Yaga has lessons for us all on the powe…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card
The Ten of Pentacles tarot card indicates an ending, but also suggests that ther…
Guided Meditation with the Mother Goddess Nut
Embrace loving, compassionate energy with this guided meditation to connect with…
Why We Feel Shame, and How to Transform It
Chronic shame can teach us powerful lessons about our upbringing, habits, and se…
The Spiritual Meaning of Snoring
The body is always trying to communicate with us, and when we snore, the body is…
The Spiritual Meaning of Seasonal Allergies and Hay Fever
While seasonal allergies may seem like a meaningless hindrance, they can teach u…
The Secret Benefits of Anxiety
Listen to your anxiety—not for what it’s explicitly telling you, but for what it…
Guided Meditation: The Story of Persephone and Demeter
Take some time to contemplate the nature of life with this meditation on two anc…
Lessons from the Goddess Mary, Mother of Jesus
While Mary has not been traditionally regarded as a goddess, her story reflects …
How to Practice Seasonal Intuitive Eating
All of our ancient ancestors ate intuitively with the seasons. Learn how to tap …
The Spiritual Meaning of the Ten of Swords Tarot Card
The Ten of Swords can be a scary card to pull in a reading. But there’s more to …
Lessons from Nut, Goddess of the Night Sky
The Egyptian goddess Nut can teach us lessons about the power of motherhood and …
The Spiritual Meaning of Eczema
This frustrating skin condition may have much to teach us about boundaries, ange…
Healing Hormones with the Moon Cycle
While the female body has a deep connection with the cycles of the moon, anyone …
Guided Meditation: Grieving with the Goddess Dhumavati
Grieving or in despair? Sit with the Tantric goddess Dhumavati to process your e…
A Nervous System Healing Protocol for Chronic Pain and Illness
When we take time out of our lives and focus on healing, chronic pain and illnes…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Emperor Tarot Card
The Emperor represents traditional masculine energy in both its positive and neg…
Lessons from Medusa, Goddess of Ugliness
Medusa may be remembered as a fearsome serpent creature, but upon deeper inspect…
5 Messages Your Laziness Is Telling You
You’re not lazy—you might just be in a state of functional freeze. Learn what yo…
Why You Should Stop Trying to Make the “Right” Decision
For many of us who tend to overthink, decision anxiety can be exhausting. Challe…
The Spiritual Meaning of Laryngitis
Laryngitis can be deeply challenging, but losing your voice can teach you valuab…
Guided Sleep Meditation: Visiting Grandmother's Cottage
Lull yourself to sleep with a soothing meditation, visualizing yourself visiting…
A Happy Birthday Guided Meditation and Ritual
Celebrate yourself with a joyous meditation and ritual to honor your birthday.…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Eight of Swords Tarot Card
The Eight of Swords may look like a challenging tarot card, but it offers us a w…
Healing as a Subversive Act
You might need to break the “rules” in order to fully heal yourself. Learn how h…
The Spiritual Meaning of Headaches
Recurring headaches can be a sign that there are imbalances in both the body and…
Lessons from Persephone, the Goddess of the Underworld Call
While the common retelling of Persephone’s story may seem heartbreaking, a deepe…
Why Rest Is a Form of Resistance
Inspired by Tricia Hersey’s book Rest Is Resistance, Julie Peters shares her tho…
How the Universe Operates Like an Algorithm
Instead of viewing the universe as a confusing, scary place, try seeing the univ…
Lessons from Inanna, the Goddess of the Underworld Journey
The story of this ancient Mesopotamian goddess can teach us important wisdom abo…
Guided Meditation: The Calming Power of Water
Allow the soothing properties of water to calm you in this short but powerful gu…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Chariot Tarot Card
How do you relate to your wildness? The Chariot tarot card can teach us how to h…
Why I Don’t Believe in Laziness
“Laziness” isn’t a moral failure—it may be our bodies and nervous systems asking…
The Spiritual Meaning of a Broken Foot
Broken bones force us to slow down and seek medical help, but they can also offe…
Lessons from Lilith, the Goddess of Righteous Rage
While often remembered as a demon, Lilith was once an empowered goddess who dar…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Four of Swords Tarot Card
The Four of Swords tarot card encourages us to rest after a long, hard battle. L…
Guided Meditation for Womb Healing
Send healing energy to your womb space with this gentle guided meditation.…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Queen of Wands Tarot Card
When the Queen of Wands presents herself in a tarot reading, she brings lessons …
The Spiritual Meaning of Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a complicated but common condition. When Western medicine offer…
How to Speak the Language of Chronic Illness or Injury
When the medical system fails to heal chronic illness or chronic pain, we may fi…
5 Types of Rest (That Aren’t Sleep)
Rest doesn’t always have to look like more sleep. When we listen to the body’s n…
The Spiritual Meaning of Your Posture
The way we carry ourselves in the world is powerful and can reflect deeper spiri…
Guided Meditation: The Brightening Power of Air
Call upon the brightening power of air to help uplift you with this short guided…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Tower Tarot Card
The Tower tarot card is one of the least-loved cards in the deck, but it offers …
Guided Meditation for Sleep: Garden of the Goddess
Drift off to sleep peacefully with a 17-minute guided meditation into the garden…
Lessons from Eve, the Goddess of Exile
The biblical tale of Eve, the first woman, can teach us meaningful lessons about…
Lessons from Dhumavati, the Tantric Goddess of Despair
The Tantric goddess Dhumavati is a dark aspect of the Great Goddess and offers g…
The Spiritual Meaning of Panic Attacks
Panic attacks can be scary and require care, but they can also teach us a lot ab…
Guided Meditation: The Cleansing Power of Fire
Utilize the cleansing power of the fire element to motivate you and establish he…
The Spiritual Meaning of Ear Problems
Ringing ears? It may be connected to your intuition. Learn more about the spirit…
Guided Meditation: Finding Good Love
Is finding the right romantic relationship a struggle for you? Consider sitting …
Why It’s Okay to Want Romantic Love
Love is an ongoing, evolving experience, not something that can be won or lost. …
The Spiritual Meaning of Februalia
At winter's halfway point, take time to honor the past year's losses and harness…
Guided Meditation: Inviting Spring Fire at Imbolc
Celebrate the pagan mid-winter holiday of Imbolc with a short but powerful guide…
Guided Meditation: Energy Clearing for Bedtime
Trying to fall asleep but feeling weighed down by the day? Drift off with this p…
Grieving With the Moon: A Cycling Ritual
Grief is a sacred cycle, just like that of the moon. Utilize this powerful but s…
Were You a Witch in a Past Life?
More than ever, the world needs healers. If you feel drawn to the healing arts o…
5 Anti-New Years Resolutions
January is one of the hardest times of year to establish new habits. Instead, us…
Guided Meditation: Spiritual Preparation for Medical Intervention
Keep your nervous system calm when you're trying to heal—use this meditation the…
The Spiritual Meaning of Yule
The ancient pagan celebration of the winter solstice deeply influenced many of o…
Guided Meditation: How to Be Present With Big Emotions
Learn how to be fully in the moment with big emotions with this gentle meditatio…
5 Quick Ways to Manage Big Emotions
Overwhelming emotions are common but often feel insurmountable. Try these five t…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Three of Swords Tarot Card
How are you breaking your own heart? The Three of Swords tarot card asks us to l…
The Limits and Liabilities of Cultivating Your Intuition
Tapping into your intuitive “sixth sense” isn’t always a foolproof process. Lear…
The Spiritual Meaning of Wasp Stings
While wasp stings can certainly be random and unfortunate, they can also teach u…
Sadness Medicine: Discover the Purpose of Your Sadness
Sadness, while deeply uncomfortable, has a purpose and lesson to teach us. What …
Guided Meditation: Inviting Intuition at Samhain
Deepen your intuition and celebrate Samhain, an ancient pagan harvest festival h…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Lovers Tarot Card
The Lovers tarot card doesn’t just indicate a new relationship on the horizon—it…
Does Spirituality Fit Into Therapy?
Spirituality and therapy have been intertwined since before psychotherapy became…
Guided Meditation: Balance on the Autumn Equinox
Cultivate autumnal ease and joy with this short seasonal meditation. What are yo…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Harvest Moon
The Harvest Moon, the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox, brings potent m…
Attraction Is Our Wounds Trying to Heal
When we are attracted to unhealed people, it’s often because of unhealed wounds …
The Spiritual Meaning of Food Allergies
What we react negatively to—even and especially the foods we eat—can offer us de…
The Dangers of the Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction empowers people to think more positively, but at what cost…
The Spiritual Meaning of a Blue Moon
The Blue Moon offers an opportunity for contemplation, completion, and tapping i…
Empaths and Childhood Trauma (And What to Do About It)
Empaths often have a history of childhood trauma. Explore how empathy is both a …
The Spiritual Meaning of the Devil Tarot Card
What is holding you in chains? The Devil card may appear scary at first, but it …
The Spiritual Meaning of Lughnasadh
At the cross-quarter date between the summer solstice and fall equinox, many mod…
Lughnasadh Meditation for Gratitude on the First Harvest
Gather gratitude with this guided meditation to celebrate Lughnasadh, an ancient…
A Ritual for Lughnasadh
Celebrate Lughnasadh, a pagan summer harvest festival, with an earth-centered ri…
The Spiritual Meaning of Weight Changes
Weight loss or gain can indicate big changes in our lives. Explore the spiritual…
What Is Seed Cycling?
Seed cycling is a practice that encourages us to connect with our menstrual cycl…
The Wisdom of Hesitation
Ever caught yourself waiting before making a decision, but not knowing why? Expl…
Guided Meditation: A Body-Mind-Spirit Bedtime Routine
Trouble sleeping? Enjoy this gentle, relaxing guided meditation to help you slip…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Five of Cups Tarot Card
The Five of Cups instructs us to explore our relationship to trauma and how we p…
Care Tips: 3 Poses for Awakening
These three inverted yoga poses can spark awakening if practiced with attention,…
A Ritual for Litha
Celebrate Litha, a summer solstice festival, with a simple fire ritual. Delight …
Litha Meditation for Sun and Earth Magic
Get cozy in nature and connect with the power of summer with this meditation for…
The Spiritual Meaning of Litha
Litha, a pagan summer holiday, marks the longest day of the year. Explore more a…
The Spiritual Meaning of Eclipses
Eclipses hold strong spiritual energy that you’ve probably sensed yourself. Expl…
Spiritual Betrayal: When Spirit Lets You Down
Ever felt let down by the divine? Spiritual betrayal doesn’t mean we’re not spir…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Hierophant Tarot Card
Who sits between you and God? Learn more about the meaning of this masculine maj…
Guided Meditation: A Check-In for the Body and Spirit
Tap into what's happening in the body and mind in less than 10 minutes with this…
The Spiritual Meaning of Insomnia
Is it an overactive nervous system, or is it unprocessed emotions keeping you aw…
How Feeling Safe Promotes Healing
Even when our circumstances are safe, we may not feel safe within our own bodies…
The Spiritual Meaning of Fatigue
While fatigue can indicate a physical imbalance in the body, it can also point t…
Heart-Opening Meditation for Beltane
Welcome Beltane, or May Day, with this short heart-opening meditation.…
A Beltane Ritual for Hope, Possibility, and Creativity
Celebrate this springtime holiday with a ritual for inviting in creative energy …
The Spiritual Meaning of Beltane
As we greet the midway point between spring and summer, celebrating the ancient …
5 Care Tips: Dance Into a New Groove
Feeling stuck? Explore five new ways to move your body to revitalize your way of…
5 Protection Rituals for Highly Sensitive People
Highly sensitive people feel everything deeply. If you’re an HSP, learn how to c…
The Spiritual Meaning of April’s Awakening Moon
April’s full moon invites us to delight in the gifts of being human and to enjoy…
A Spring Equinox Meditation for Fertility, Hope, and Light
Enjoy this gentle meditation to honor Ostara, a spring equinox celebration, and …
The Spiritual Meaning of Sinus Infections
Experiencing sinusitis that just won’t go away? Dive into the spiritual meaning …
The Choice Between Authenticity and Connection
Do you know what it’s like to express yourself authentically? Many of us had to …
A Ritual for Ostara: Welcoming Spring
Ostara is the springtime pagan holiday celebrating equal day and night and the r…
The Spiritual Meaning of Ostara
The spring equinox is a potent time of year for welcoming in new energy and revi…
Guided Meditation: The Restful Path to Sweet Dreams
Enjoy this relaxing visualization through beautiful landscapes as you drift off …
5 Benefits of Virtual Yoga
In an ideal world, practicing yoga among others would always be better. But in r…
How Food and Mood Are Connected
Explore how what we eat and how we feel are connected, and discover new tips for…
Guided Meditation: Connect With Your Inner Child
Follow along with this gentle guided meditation to get to know your inner child …
An Imbolc Fire Ritual
Honor the pagan festival of Imbolc with a simple ritual designed to release the …
The Spiritual Meaning of Imbolc
Imbolc is a holiday of hope, a celebration of the goddess Brigid, and the perfec…
A January Spiritual Survival Guide
Use these tips to get through Blue Monday, the most depressing day of year, and …
How Shame Prevents Empathy
Shame prevents us from feeling and healing on a deeper level. Explore ways to mo…
Guided Meditation: A Shield of Protection, Love, and Healing
Use this meditation to cultivate a sense of protection and ease.
A Guide to Menstruating With the Moon
Are you on a white moon cycle, red moon cycle, pink moon cycle, or purple moon c…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Death Tarot Card
Though the Death tarot card may not indicate literal death, it does forebode cha…
The Spiritual Meaning of the January Full Moon
Explore the spiritual meaning of January’s full Wolf Moon as we navigate cold, l…
The Secret to Healing is Allowing
In a society that tells us that rest is unnecessary, allowing illnesses and inju…
How to Understand the Body’s Story
Are you experiencing symptoms or pain that are hard to explain? It may be time t…
The Spiritual Meaning of Knee Pain
If knee pain has you feeling weak, it may be a sign of disconnect or imbalance. …
The Spiritual Meaning of the High Priestess Tarot Card
Did you pull the High Priestess card? Learn the meaning of this major arcana car…
A Chakra Balancing Meditation for Healing and Connection to Spirit
Try this guided meditation to explore the chakras and gain insight.
The Spiritual Meaning of the December Full Moon
Connect with the spiritual meaning of the December full moon and the wisdom it o…
Fall and Winter: The Seasons of Divine Feminine Energy
Learn how to embrace divine feminine energy this autumn and winter as the nights…
The Spiritual Meaning of Autoimmune Diseases
Living with an autoimmune disease can be frustrating. Learning about the spiritu…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Hanged Man Tarot Card
Did you draw the Hanged Man tarot card? Discover the spiritual meaning behind th…
How to Practice Conscious Dance for Emotional Healing
Promote healing in your life by using these conscious dance practices, whether i…
A Guided Earth Medicine Sleep Meditation
In this sleep meditation, connect with the energy of the earth element to help y…
The Spiritual Meaning of November’s Beaver Moon
The November full moon is the perfect time to wrap up projects and turn inward f…
Decolonizing Therapy
Traditional therapy invokes authority, judgement, and hierarchy, although new id…
Care Tips: Pelvic Floor
The pelvic floor—which is linked to our nervous system—can be cared for in a num…
The Spiritual Meaning of Clumsiness
Feeling a little too clumsy lately? Discover the spiritual meaning of clumsiness…
Guided Meditation: Access the Wisdom of Your Anger
Feeling angry? Use this guided meditation to learn from that emotion and change …
Does Everything Happen for a Reason?
Because human beings are already divine, we have the capacity to learn from our …
Spiritual Self-Care for Lung Season
Nourish your lungs this fall and winter by keeping warm, processing grief, and r…
The Spiritual Meaning of Respiratory Illnesses, Coughs, and Lung Issues
Explore the potential spiritual significance behind that lingering cough, sneeze…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Hunter’s Moon
To align with the spiritual meaning of the full Hunter’s Moon this October, comp…
Guided Meditation: The Healing Elixir Sleep Spell
This guided meditation will help you navigate your own healing journey by giftin…
The Key to Becoming More Patient
When you're having trouble regulating your emotions, patience can seem like a fa…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Autumn Equinox
When it’s too cold to be outside hunting, building, or farming, it’s time to go …
An Autumn Harvest Moon Ritual
Delight in the goodness of autumn and let go of what no longer serves you with a…
Care Tips: the Eyebrows
Your eyebrows are a major source of emotional expression. Even if they are maske…
Practices to Reconnect With Your Body
Want to reconnect with your body but not sure how? Discover practical steps.…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Sturgeon Moon
Greet your inner sea monster as you embrace the spiritual meaning of the Sturgeo…
Settle the Nervous System: A Meditation for Calm and Self-Compassion
Soothe yourself from the inside out with this gentle meditation.
Guided Meditation: A Healing Tea for Your Gut
Rebalance at the gut level. Find yourself on a soft sand beach, with a healing t…
The Spiritual Meaning of Body Acne
A potentially embarrassing affliction may hold spiritual wisdom about what we're…
The Spiritual Meaning of Acne
What’s the spiritual meaning of acne? Start with issues around boundaries.…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Thunder Moon
Feeling wilted in the middle of summer? Channel the spiritual energy of thunders…
The Spiritual Meaning of Bad Dreams
Dropped into a nightmare dreamscape often or even nightly? Explore the spiritual…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Summer Solstice
The spiritual meaning of the summer solstice is tied to warmth, fertility, and h…
Spiritual Meaning of the June Strawberry Moon
Tap into the spiritual meaning of the Strawberry Moon. Enjoy the ripening, birth…
The Spiritual Meaning of Arthritis
Ask yourself questions about stiffness and resentment to get to the spiritual me…
Self-Consent: A Self-Love Practice
Learn to listen to your internal yes and no signals. Teach your body that what y…
When You Don’t Trust Your Body’s Response to Chronic Pain
Is your body proving to be an untrustworthy narrator of your chronic pain or ill…
Guided Meditation: A Healing Fruit Garden for Your Gut
This gentle meditation takes you to a beautiful garden of fruits created specifi…
The Wisdom of the Wilt: Medicine for a Tired Spirit
It might seem counterintuitive, but wilting can be a great strategy for long-ter…
A Letting-Go/Calling-In Burn Ritual for the Full Flower Moon
Turn what’s holding you back to ash. Drink in the blossoming energy of the full …
Making Moon Water for the Super Blood Moon Eclipse
Discover how to infuse water with the moon’s energy during a super blood moon ec…
When Self-Care Is Not the Answer
When you need to change a behavior or need community assistance, self-care is no…
5 Journaling Prompts for the New Moon
Prompts for the new moon guide you to explore desires, darkness, solitude, and t…
Guided Sleep Meditation for the Middle of the Night
Insomniacs can take solace in this guided meditation.
5 Care Tips: Sacrum
The sacrum is all about balance and symmetry. Protect your sacrum with practical…
Ritual for the Full Pink Moon
Release winter energy and ignite spring fire with a ritual for the full Pink Moo…
Intensifying Your Yoga Practice
A more intense yoga practice can give you a little more sweat, more strengthenin…
Gut Medicine: 7 Quick Ways to Avoid or Soothe Unhappy Digestion
Drinking warm lemon water before meals is just one way to avoid digestion proble…
3 New Moon Yoga Postures
The new moon brings introspection. It’s a great time for restorative or yin yoga…
Guided Meditation: Cleansing Toxic Energy
A spring cleaning can also apply to energy. Clear out toxic energy and feel bett…
Spiritual Meaning of IBS
The spiritual meaning of IBS is about looking at imbalances in how we relate to …
Tarot for Dark Days: Strength and the Wilt
The wisdom of tarot for dark days is about the wilt. It’s a surrender that allow…
A Ritual for the Full Worm Moon
Are you ready to get down and dirty to tap into the energy of the full Worm Moon…
3 Yoga Postures for the Galloping Gibbous Moon
As we gallop toward the full moon, why not try a more energetic yoga practice?…
Spiritual Meaning of Burning Feet
The spiritual meaning of burning feet might be about an imbalanced path, a trial…
5 Care Tips: Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is the size of a grain of rice, but it is responsible for sleep…
Magic Meditation for Sleep: Safety and Protection
Visualize a circle of protection around your body. Sleep safe and sound.
How to Read Process-Oriented Tarot (No Memorizing Required)
Put down the guide book. A process-oriented tarot reading starts with how you fe…
A Blanketing Ritual for the Full Snow Moon
Explore the magical potential of the Snow Moon. Its safety and shelter can assis…
Gentle Self-Loving Sleep Meditation
Allow yourself to drift off with the gentle reminder of all that is good and wor…
7 Simple Practices to Connect With Intuitive Magic
Ever listened to someone with your body? This is the kind of intuitive magic you…
Self-Care Guilt (And Why You Should Let It Go)
Feeling guilty about not practicing enough self-care or like you’re not doing it…
Practices for Loving Yourself Through Sickness
Sick? Love yourself through the illness with cozy comfort, breathwork, restorati…
A Ritual for an Imbolc New Moon
When a new moon coincides with the celebration of Imbolc, perform this ritual fo…
The Meaning of Your Symptoms
What are your symptoms telling you? Knowing the meaning of your symptoms can hel…
The Liminal Joy of Deep Winter: Nestling Into “Not Yet”
Resting, reflecting, conceiving, and gestating are keys to the “not yet” liminal…
The Spiritual Meaning of Menstrual Problems
Discovering the spiritual meaning of your menstrual problems can complement any …
The Spiritual Meaning of Incontinence
How does the flow of energy connect to physical and spiritual leaks?
Secrets of Softening the Psoas
Stretch all you want—these muscles won’t release until you feel safe enough to l…
5 Care Tips: Liver
The liver is the biggest organ in the human body other than the skin. Follow fiv…
Winter Solstice Magic: A Spell for the Solar New Year
This ritual to invite winter solstice magic is best done sitting in a circle (re…
The Spiritual Meaning of Vaginal Infections
The spiritual meaning of vaginal infections may stem from the metaphorical penet…
Simple, Beginner-Friendly Mindfulness Meditation
This simple meditation can be done in any comfortable position, including lying …
The Spiritual Meaning of Pelvic Floor Pain
Pelvic floor pain can arise from physical dysfunction as well as blocked energy.…
Easing Postpartum Neck and Shoulders
Try these exercises when carrying, cuddling, nursing, picking up, and holding yo…
Guided Meditation: Postpartum Healing
Tap into a white-light energy to cultivate postpartum healing in this short medi…
Intuitive Movement Meditation for Healing, Stress Relief, and Pleasure
Slowly tap into your body’s innate intelligence without “doing” anything in part…
Does Exercise Stress You Out? Try an Intuitive Movement Practice
Just move with this intuitive motion meditation for healing, stress relief, and …
The Spiritual Meaning of Money
Part of our spiritual inquiry into money requires being honest about what it mea…
5 Care Tips: Knees
Knees aren’t really a discrete body part—they’re a zone of intersection, where v…
A Halloween Ritual to Connect With Your Ancestors
Whether they are ghosts or imaginary presences, we can still learn something fro…
Hyaluronic Acid and Yin Yoga
Deep tissue hyaluronic acid is released when practicing yin yoga. That is a good…
Grief Practices: What Do I Do With My Grief?
In a culture that doesn’t help us hold our grief, how do we hold it for ourselve…
4 Yoga Poses for Soft, Strong Hips
Tight hips can also mean an unhappy lower back. Try these four poses to soften a…
The Spiritual Meaning of Sciatica
Sciatica is a classic condition of lopsidedness. What is the spiritual meaning o…
Making a Choice With the Body
Your head might consider a dilemma logically, the belly intuitively or emotional…
Yoga for SIBO
In addition to diet and medicine, yoga can help treat the overgrowth of bacteria…
The Spiritual Meaning of SIBO
Unlike IBS, bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine is linked to a specific …
Guided Meditation: Winding Down for Sleep
When there is so much to think about, winding down to sleep is vital to your wel…
Yoga for Acne
A flush of blood and energy to the face in an inversion pose is just one way yog…
Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation: Caring for a Postpartum Body
Slowly regain strength and power with these practices for pelvic floor rehabilit…
Meditation to Release Stress: Relax the Jaw and Pelvic Floor
Relax your jaw and repattern away from stress with this guided meditation.…
The Spiritual Meaning of Jaw Pain
Questions about stress and anger can help you discover the spiritual meaning of …
Caring for a Postpartum Body
Childbirth necessitates changes to your body, as does caring for your baby after…
Exploring the Spiritual Meaning of Lower Back Pain
To understand the spiritual meaning of lower back pain, head to the source: the …
Summertime Self-Care for Reentry Anxiety
Some days going to the beach with friends is self-care. Others it may be watchin…
Guided Meditation: Connecting to Spirit
Spirit is always with you in whatever form makes sense to you.
High Summer and the Divine Feminine
What kind of summer do you want to have? Explore the divine feminine within your…
Practices for Loving Your Belly
While “six-pack abs” are touted as the ideal, a soft and flexible belly is, by d…
Attachment Styles and Attunement
Tune into how your earliest life lessons can cause you ongoing hardship.
Spiritual Meaning of Pain in the Upper-Middle Back
To uncover the spiritual meaning of pain in the upper-middle back, ask if you’re…
The Spiritual Meaning of Hip Pain
The hips are connected to the energy center that governs creativity. The spiritu…
A Ritual for Summer Solstice and Father’s Day
The summer solstice occurring near Father’s Day is a powerful opportunity for ex…
Stomach Pain and the Chakras
Stomach pain is connected to an unbalanced third chakra, located next to the sto…
Meditation for Releasing Sadness
Sometimes the fastest way to feel better is to simply allow ourselves to be with…
The Spiritual Meaning of Stomach Pain
Problems digesting food may indicate tension in our relationships. The spiritual…
Tadasana: The Pose for Standing Witness
Take a moment to stand upright. Do your best to stand as you normally do, withou…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Flower Moon
The May full moon marks a turning point, a movement into the bright, sunshiny ha…
Balancing the Throat Chakra for Neck and Shoulder Pain
When there is pain in the neck or restriction in the throat chakra, it’s worth a…
Holding Difficult Emotions on Mother’s Day: A Ritual
Some have a simple and loving relationship with their mom. For others, Mother’s …
The Spiritual Meaning of Foot Pain
When we confront obstacles, our feet may be the first to know it. The spiritual …
Yoga for Caregivers
Caregivers need care too. Explore the best yoga-based solutions for soothing the…
Yoga Sequence for Sciatica and Lower Back Pain
Try doing this sequence daily, mixing yoga and pilates—especially during pregnan…
Healing Sleep Meditation for Dealing With Illness or Injury
Allow yourself to rest with guided meditation as you recover.
The Spiritual Meaning of Pain in the Left Shoulder
When it comes to the spiritual meaning of left shoulder pain, your heart is at t…
The Spiritual Meaning of Pain in the Right Shoulder
Bearing the weight of your world on one shoulder? Consider the spiritual meaning…
The Spiritual Meaning of the Easter Season
“Regardless of what traditions you follow, the spiritual meaning of Easter is a …
Self-Healing Meditation for Injury or Illness
Meditation can help boost our internal capacity to recover and heal from illness…
Yoga and Mental Health
Yoga and mental health are inextricably intertwined. Yoga helps promote mindfuln…
Energy Meditation for Healing Yourself After Illness, Injury, or Surgery
Wounded in body or spirit? A energy meditation can assist with healing and recov…
Wounds and the Womb
Explore how to heal a relationship with your sacred womb—a place of death, life,…
Yoga for Arthritis
Hurting? Yoga for arthritis can soothe your joints and diminish pain.…
Moments of Sweetness: Nonattachment in Difficult Times
Something joyful, beautiful, pleasurable, or delicious is happening: Notice mome…
Refresh Body and Spirit With a Moon Practice
Does your New Year’s Resolution feel like a distant memory? The moon provides a …
Self-Love Meditation
“Self-love isn’t a given, it’s a practice.” Begin your self-love practice today …
Self-Love Practices for Valentine’s Day
Be your own valentine this year. Recommit to “the most important relationship of…
Reflection and Meditation on Saying No
Protect and honor your boundaries with a simple two-letter word: no.
Yoga for Sore Feet
Sore, achy feet affect your mood, not to mention cause pain to radiate to other …
Practice of Self-Love
The practice of self-love isn't one-size fits all. Your body knows what it needs…
Pandemic Silver Linings: Accounting for Good News
2020 was a year. But maybe there's a silver lining (or two) to this pandemic aft…
Yoga for Better Sleep
You can improve your sleep just by implementing bedtime yoga sequences into your…
Stiff and Stressed? Yoga for Tight Shoulders to the Rescue
It happens: After a long day of sitting, your neck and shoulders feel awful. Yog…
Resolution Solution: Holistic New Year's Resolutions
New Year’s resolutions never seem to stick. Explore a more holistic approach. …
Self-Care This Season
Self-care is vital, especially in the winter months when darkness—quite literall…
Winter Solstice Ritual and Meditation
Celebrate the coming of longer days with a winter solstice ritual.
Matrescence: The Deep Spiritual Transformation of Pregnancy
“This idea has struck me deeply as I have watched my body change in fascinating …
Yoga for Constipation
Feeling stuck? Yoga can help with constipation. Get your digestion moving again …
Embracing Loneliness in a Pandemic Winter
Loneliness means your heart wants to open. What do you want to open it to?…
Mindful Weight Gain in Pregnancy
Bringing a mindful approach to pregnancy means listening to both your body and y…
Guided Meditation: The Moonlit Pond
In this guided sleep meditation, we will gently relax the body while we explore …
Celebrating the Spiritual Meanings of Halloween
More than just candy and costumes: Halloween is a holiday that can, with a littl…
Solutions for Tight Psoas Muscles
A simple yoga flow can alleviate your tight psoas, which could be causing you lo…
Following the Moon, Processing Grief
This season is a good time to process the grief you’ve felt this year. Practice …
The Antidote to Toxic Positivity
Difficult emotions are there for a reason. There is one cure for toxic positivit…
Fall Is So Yin: Embracing Autumn Energy
“The fall/winter ... is full of yin energy, a darker, softer, slower energy. Now…
11-Minute Prenatal Meditation
Breathe deep with this guided prenatal meditation by renowned yoga teacher Julie…
Pregnant During a Pandemic
Pregnancy naturally causes anxiety—then tack on a pandemic. Writer Julie Peters …
Guided Meditation: Pelvic Floor Wellness
This meditation involves gentle, relaxed breathing and some light muscular engag…
A Journey Through Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Julie Peters describes her experience with SIBO and her long journey back to hea…
Lunar Reflections
Julie Peters, the author of Secrets of the Eternal Moon Phase Goddesses, shares …
Lovingly Managing Weight Fluctuations
Writer Julie Peters talks about a past eating disorder, how she overcomes feelin…
Guided Meditation: Deeply Relax (Or Sleep) With Breathwork
This gentle, progressive breathwork will help your body return to the rest-and-d…
Flex Your Butt Core: Build Hip Strength With These Yoga Poses
Tight hips? Tight muscles are usually weak muscles. A stronger butt creates loos…
Earth Meditation for Safety and Calm
Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Slow down and connect to Earth energy, which is…
Guided Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Starry Night
Walk into an evening field and settle by a warm fire to enjoy the stars. Settle …
Why You Should Feel Your Feelings
The world is a wild, wild place right now. The problem is, when we don’t pause t…
Radically Choosing Your Wild and Precious Life
We tend to put others first—and it's time to break that contract and start livin…
Lessons From Yin Yoga for Managing Chronic Pain
Yin yoga works the connective tissue that wraps around our muscles and carries m…
Summer Solstice Meditation: Celebrating the Harvest
The longest day of the year is the perfect time to celebrate the fruits of your …
Guided Meditation: Listening for the Wisdom of Chronic Pain
Chronic pain isn’t always telling us that something is wrong necessarily, but it…
Chronic Pain, Trauma, and the Nervous System
Chronic pain can be caused by lingering trauma, creating stress that is unresolv…
Removing the Veils: Seeing Ourselves in the New Light of Forced Change
“I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way to feel about being in isolation or …
Four Ways to Social Distance Without Screens
When we are on screens so much, it is important to find ways to relax and rechar…
5 Questions to Help Decode Your Chronic Back Pain
That chronic back pain is a message from your body. Are you listening? These 5 q…
Intimacy and Sex in Isolation
Sure. Pandemic doesn’t scream sexy—but you can still ignite the spark.
Managing Anger in Isolation
Your quarantine partner just aggravated you again. You’re angry—or are you? Refl…
Meditation for Deep Sleep: A Delicious Fantasyland
Wander through a delicious fantasyland filled with benevolent flowers with nouri…
In Self-Isolation? Lessons From the Hermit Tarot Card
Whether you’re surviving or thriving through solo lockdown, the Hermit Tarot car…
Love on Lockdown: Your Relationship Can Survive
Pandemic wasn’t one of the vows. How to hunker down with someone and love them s…
Dancing, Healing
Julie Peters talks with Indigenous dance artist Olivia C. Davies about dance as …
Self-Regulation Skills in a Crisis: Four Tools to Calm Down Now
Self-care staples include eating well, sleeping well, and connecting with friend…
New Moon Meditation for Calling in What You Desire
New moons are traditionally about planting seeds, setting intentions for what yo…
3 Yoga Exercises to Build Your Immunity Now
"Your system thinks you are in survival/panic mode, and you need to help yoursel…
Moon Rituals: Tending Your Internal Garden
“New moons are related to water and fertility. Metaphorically, in the dark of th…
An Alternative Spiritual Guide to Disaster
“There’s always some new world on the other side of that destruction, even if we…
Full Moon Meditation for Clearing and Letting Go
"Take a pause around the full moon (ideally within three days of it) to reflect …
The One Question You Should Ask in Your Relationship
Most of us want to be in love. We see committed partnership as a good in and of …
How to Protect Yourself From Other People (and the News)
“If you are a sensitive person, you might notice that you are highly affected by…
A Love Spell and Ritual for Valentine’s Day
“On Valentine’s Day, I want to focus on true love: the energy of power, desire, …
Guided Meditation: Love Ritual for Valentine’s Day
This guided meditation helps you to remove any obstacles that are blocking your …
Desire: Are You Content or Simply Settling?
“Desire is the feeling that there is something more out there for us, something …
Using the Pelvic Floor as an Energetic Gateway
“For years, consciously contracting my pelvic floor when I felt unsafe or when I…
Self-Trust: Two Secrets to Try
We can’t second-guess every choice we make. So how do we know what it means for …
Guided Meditation for Self-Protection: The Shield
Imagine a protective sphere that keeps in positive energy, releasing what we do …
Mindful Money Management
“There are plenty of good tips out there for how to manage our money, but if we’…
When Friends Break Up
“Those moments can be very painful, but sometimes we should let certain friends …
3 Super Relaxing Yoga Poses for Detoxification
Have a holiday hangover? Try these yoga poses to help detox and rebalance your b…
An Alternative Ritual for the New Year
Whether or not you are going to a blow-out party on New Year’s Eve this year, he…
Secrets of the Pelvic Floor
This often-neglected part of the body has a lot to say if you know how to listen…
Meditation for Calm Even in a Loud Place: Pratyahara
This guided meditation connects with sounds and distractions to help us get cent…
How to Care for Your Body in a Cold, Dark Season
In winter, our digestive fire is low, so we should be eating warm, cooked foods.…
8 Tricks for Controlling Holiday Binge Eating and Drinking
Avoid overeating and drinking too much this holiday season by mindfully focusing…
5 Eco-Friendly and Zero-Waste Gift Ideas
Honor loved ones with mindful and ethical green gifts that won’t break the bank …
5 Stretches for a Long Plane Ride
Contorted into a plane seat? Here are a few (discreet) stretches you can do to k…
Breathing into Balance: Explore Alternate Nostril Breathing
Though you can do this guided meditation anytime, it especially helps you fall a…
5 Stretches for a Long Car Ride
Long car trips can leave us feeling sore and exhausted. These five stretches can…
What Should We Do With Our Judgment of Others?
“The impulse with judgment is usually to shame the person we are judging, to mak…
A Ritual for the Deeper Meaning of Halloween
Connect with the wisdom of this holiday, which comes between the fall equinox an…
Guided Meditation: Progressive Relaxation for Deep Sleep
Move through a guided relaxation process for your mind, your nervous system, you…
Body as Compass: A Meditation for Decision Making
Tap into what you truly desire with this meditation that honors the mind, the he…
A Ritual For Welcoming Moon Season
Fall is the perfect season to release that which no longer serves us. Try this m…
3 Sensual Practices to Do With Your Partner Tonight (That Aren’t About Sex)
“These three practices all have the key quality of inviting pleasure while reduc…
Feel: Healing the Spiritual Wound of Sexual Trauma
At the beginning of my recovery from sexual assault, I needed to re-learn how to…
Honoring Sacred Sexual Energy
Connect to the sacred sexual and erotic energy living in your low belly, pelvis,…
Not My Problem: A Compassionate Mantra
“Becoming clear on what is our problem and what is someone else’s is revolutiona…
The Thirst for Spirituality and the Rise of Witches
Julie Peters explains why witchcraft appeals to so many people—and how witches c…
Breath-Focused Meditation for Deep Sleep
Follow your natural breath to help relax your mind and your body. Gently switch …
How (and Why) to Feel a Feeling
“The problem isn’t the depth of sadness or anger that we feel. The problem is ou…
Cooling Sleep Meditation for Hot Summer Nights
Use this guided meditation to cool off the body and mind and prepare for rest. …
Teaching a Stressed System to Relax: Living in the Gaps
“The more I practice cultivating the gaps and being really present for them, the…
Guided Meditation: Body as Home
A simple guided meditation to help you connect to your breath and your body. …
The Healing Power of Celebration
Nudge your nervous system out of the stress habit through the act of celebratio…
Healing Meditation for Injury, Surgery, or Illness
This guided meditation will lead you through a visualization of healing white li…
The Alchemy of the Heart: Witnessing Grief
When we allow pain in fully (and then release it fully), the heart can transform…
What’s Your Desire Pattern?
“If you are someone who doesn’t feel randomly and spontaneously turned on all t…
Recovering Your Sexuality After Trauma
"Our sexuality is one of the tenderest, most vulnerable aspects of who we are. I…
Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Gemstone Staircase
This guided meditation will lull you to sleep as you walk down a beautiful stair…
The Anxiety of Intuition
Is intuition a useful tool or will it lead you astray? Julie Peters weighs the a…
3 Rules for Mindful Sex
Want to be more mindful when it comes to sex? Try following these three rules.…
Mindful Sexuality, Divine Sexuality
Sexual energy may be an expression of the divine within each of us. That's one r…
Guided Meditation: Floating Above the Clouds (For Playfulness and Creativity)
In this meditation, imagine yourself playing and dancing with the wind high abov…
Meditation for Emotional Healing: Transformative Fire
This guided meditation allows the listener to release unwanted emotions. …
When Your Calling Doesn’t Call: What Do You Do Without a Life Passion?
“If we don’t know what we want to be when we grow up, is there something fundame…
Guided Meditation: The Healing Waters
This gently hypnotic meditation will take you along a dirt path into a candlelit…
Snuggling Up to Our Obstacles
"We need to understand our fears and vulnerabilities, not so we can blast throug…
Moon Practice: Ritual for a Spring New Moon
Julie Peters shares her personal ritual for the new moon.
Guided Morning Meditation
Start your day with intention and mindfulness with this guided meditation.…
Moon Practice: Ritual for a Spring Full Moon
On the full moon, create a ritual that has meaning for you.
Guided Relaxation for Deep Sleep
This simple guided meditation is inspired by the Yoga Nidra meditation practice,…
How to Tell if You Are Following Your Bliss or Chasing a Craving
The work of pleasure and desire is to be honest with ourselves.
The Humble Power of Habit
The most important habit to start with is the one that will help us listen to ou…
A Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Country Road
A guided visualization to help guide you to a deeper sleep.
Guided Meditation for Stress Relief: Breathing With the Pelvic Floor
A guided meditation to release tension.
A Love Commitment for Valentine’s Day (With or Without a Partner)
One of the most powerful ways we can support our lovers is by taking care of our…
Guided Meditation for Self Love
In this Valentine’s month, it’s very important to spend some time loving ourselv…
Nonviolence: Self-Care vs. Soft Care
We often think of self care as something we do only when we’re stressed, in grie…
Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Cozy Fireplace
A guided visualization to help you drift off to sleep.
Detoxify Your Gut: Relax Into a Healthy Rhythm
The secret to a happy, health gut is knowing it’s not what you eat, it’s how.…
Mindfulness Meditation for Chronic Pain
Mindfulness meditation can help us befriend the pain sensations and teach the br…
Reset and Recharge: New Year Yoga Sequence
This gentle yoga practice supports digestive health and immune function to help …
Meaningful Rituals for Winter Solstice
How you can create some new traditions to celebrate the winter solstice.
Winter Solstice Meditation
A winter solstice meditation can be a time for grieving, acknowledging what’s be…
5 Tips for Holiday Stress Management
Here are a few tips for keeping calm and taking care during the holiday season.…
Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Colorful City of Your Mind
Immerse yourself in a colorful city in your mind to rock you to sleep.
Practices for Death and Rebirth for Scorpio Season
Honor your grief as we enter into the season of generative death and prepare for…
Simple Anytime, Anywhere Mindfulness Meditation
An audio meditation you can use anytime to reduce stress and lift your mood.…
5 Signs You’re Suffering from Toxic Stress
If these signs feel familiar, here's what you can do about it.
Routines of Pleasure
Consider one way you could bring a little bit more pleasure into your day.…
The Power of Fierce Gentleness
Gentleness with ourselves and our others sometimes means pushing back.
Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Wildflower Field
Fall asleep while visualizing yourself in a field of flowers.
Connect to Your Sexual Energy as a Life Force
When we're connected to our sexual energy and spirituality, we’re connected to o…
Meditation for Connecting to Sexual Energy as Life Force
A guided meditation to harness your sexual energy.
Guided Meditation and Breath Practice for Balancing Your Energy
Start or end your day with this breath practice.
3 Poses for Neck and Shoulder Tension
Learn how to release tension in the neck and shoulders with these exercises.…
Medication Meditation Part 3: Energizing for Lethargy, Sluggishness, or Emotional Blockage
Get a boost of energy with this Ayurveda inspired audio meditation.
Making Everyday Spaces Sacred Through Intuitive Ritual
Draw sacredness into your life whenever you need it with simple intentional ritu…
Meditation Medication Part 2: Cooling Meditation for Anger, Irritation, or Inflammation
An audio meditation to calm emotional and physical inflammation.
Biological Time: Slowing Down the Aging Process
Find little ways every day to slow down, even if it’s just for ten minutes a day…
Meditation Medication: Grounding for Anxiety or Overwhelm
The first in three-part meditation series inspired by Ayurveda.
3 Simple Rules to Maintain a Healthy Weight, Digest Better, and Heal Your Relationship with Food
Follow these simple rules (and a secret fourth) and change how you eat.
Learning from Our Worst Selves: Feeding the Shadow Wolf
Sometimes fear, anger, or sadness are appropriate responses to the complexities …
Meditation for Listening to Your Many Selves
An audio meditation to open our understanding of our different voices.
3 Exercises to Strengthen (and Relax) Your Pelvic Floor
Simple exercises that anyone can do to increase pelvic floor awareness and tone …
A Goddess of Post Traumatic Growth: Nilapataka Nitya
This goddess encourages us to courageously churn the oceans of our inner selves,…
Being in the Flow of Heartache and Pain
Yoga and mindfulness can help us recognize that our discomfort has a flow.…
Audio Meditation: In the Flow of Discomfort
This audio meditation is for those times when there’s discomfort in the body, wh…
New Moon Meditation: The Goddess of Loneliness
A preview of Moon Meditations: 16 Nights for Desire, Heartache, and Connection…
Creative Moon: Writing Prompts for the Moon Cycles
Try this free writing journaling practice coinciding with the moon phases.…
The One Relationship You Can Never Leave
Do the work of being in a loving, healthy, committed relationship with ourselves…
Guided Meditation for Loving Your Belly
This meditation will help you to explore your own belly, offering it thanks, app…
The Fullness of Emptiness: A Guided Breath Meditation
This guided meditation explores the bottom of the breath.
Releasing Your Stress Muscle: 3 Poses for the Psoas
Try these three helpful poses to bring stress relief to your muscles.…
End of Year Ritual: 7 Questions to Ask Yourself
A simple and effective end of year ritual is to carve out a little time for your…
Meditation for Feeling your Feelings
For this meditation, you choose an emotion—something that’s present for you and …
Meditating With Your Anger
An audio meditation to engage with our anger and compassion without shame.…
The Surprisingly Simple Secrets of Tantric Sex Part 3: Listening with the Body
When it comes to sex, listening goes a lot deeper than hearing.
Rage and Relationships: How Anger Can Help Intimacy
When we can channel our anger into compassionate communication, it can help us c…
Mindful Sex Part Two: Forget Goals
When the only goal of sex is pleasure through play for the sake of itself, we ca…
New Moon Meditation: Pause the Breath, Pause the Mind
Try this audio meditation for slowing down the mind.
Using Technology So It Doesn’t Use You
Take these two actions to set boundaries around your phone and social media.…
Audio Meditation for Connecting to the Heart
The heart holds our love, connection, joy, and forgiveness. It can also hold gri…
Feeling Bad About Feeling Bad: Shame and the Primal Brain
Rather than piling shame on top of shame, we need to slow down and honestly feel…
Hello Sensation: An Audio Meditation for Befriending Your Body
This meditation is a practice of honoring and acknowledging the range of complex…
Chinnamasta: The Self-Beheading Goddess
Chinnamasta shows us the simple, playful, and fierce truth that much of what we …
5-Minute Pratyahara Meditation to Focus the Mind and Calm Anxiety
Use this guided meditation to draw the senses closer to connect with the body in…
Bagalamukhi the Paralyzer and How Stillness Moves Us Forward
Stillness and movement work together and can help us sense what we deeply desire…
Audio Meditation: Relax into Your Breath
This meditation is ideal if you need a pause from your day to slow down and calm…
On the Passing of Michael Stone and Mental Health in the Yoga Community
Yoga, self-care, and alternative forms of medicine cannot always fix everything.
The Goddess Matangi and the Joy of Being an Outcast
Matangi tells a secret—that there’s a hidden joy, even power, in being an outcas…
Dhumavati: Goddess of Empowering Ugliness
So how can we, with Dhumavati, embrace the ways in which we are, powerfully, ugl…
The Dark Side of Forgiveness: The Goddess Tara
Tara is one of the most famous and widely beloved goddesses in Buddhism. She was…
Kali, Goddess of Rage and Resistance
Once upon a time, the god Shiva, the Lord of Destruction, was so busy meditating…
Breaking Your Addiction to Thinking
Thinking is obviously an important tool. Humans have the powerful ability to thi…
Why Commit? And How?
Once upon a time, people spent their whole lives in one career until they retire…
Understanding Your Cravings
Dieting mythologies have taught us that cravings are our enemies. We are told to…
Your Self-Esteem is Not the Problem
Like everyone else, I’ve had difficult times in my life. I’ve had bad breakups, …
Weight, Worth, and the Radical Act of Having a Body
Photograph from Every Body Yoga by Jessamyn Stanley (Workman Publishing). Copyri…
Secrets of Yogic Breathing (Ujjayi Pranayam)
Ujjayi Pranayam means Breath of the Warrior. When we do this breath, it can make…
A New Definition of Love in Divisive Times
The other day, I had one of those moments which must be unique to this particula…
The Art of Receiving What You Are Getting
We don’t always get what we want. But we always get what we receive. In Sanskri…
The Key to Creativity: Constraints
We do yoga to set ourselves free, right? That’s the message we get, anyway: the …
Celebrating Black Yogis for Black History Month
Yoga has its roots in India, but it has changed and evolved hugely since it came…
Showing Up Matters: Stories of the Goddess
We are in a moment of change. Some of us are hopeful, others rageful, and others…
Tips for Insomniacs With Busy Minds
Here are some tips that have helped me negotiate with my head when it’s on a pil…
Celebrating My Inner Masculinity
This week, I skipped out on yoga. Instead, I tried kickboxing for the first time…
One Simple Trick to Make Life Easier
I don’t always make New Year’s resolutions—I find the darkest coldest months a p…
Self-Love as a Practice
We all know there’s great value in loving ourselves. Self-acceptance, self-estee…
The Truth about Going Retrograde With Mercury
September is a bit of a wild month, astrologically speaking. There is a solar ec…
Befriending Pain
Over the last several years, I’ve come to believe that the greatest, most powerf…
Why Your Anger Could Be Good for Your Relationship
Many of us fear and avoid anger, especially in the realm of intimate relationshi…
On Meditating Badly
Every morning, I meditate. Badly. I know meditation is good for me. Meditation …
The Goddess of Intoxication
Vajresvari wants us to find power in being present with our joy, imbibing in del…
The Complications of Living in the Now
We all know living in the moment is a key aspect of happiness. We know we need t…
Support in Service of Sweetness
One of the most famous yoga sutras—the short aphorisms in yoga attributed …
Loving Through Change
Non-attachment is a pretty familiar concept within the worlds of yoga and medita…
Celebrating the Darkness
In many spiritual traditions, God is seen as the source of light, banishing the …
The Goddess of Escaping from Your Daily Life (If Just for a Moment)
In the Tantric tradition, the goddess of the 13th night from the new moon is cal…
The Yoga of Being Sick
The day after I finished a major project (my new book, Secrets of the Eternal Mo…
How Do I Find The One?
Around Valentine’s Day, a lot of people are thinking about love—whether they wan…
New Moon, New Year: Wisdom from the Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year, celebrated on the second new moon after the winter solstice, r…
Lessons in a Bad Yoga Class
The other day, I took a bad yoga class. I went to see one of my favorite teacher…
A Goddess Guide for the New Year
Traditionally, the dark times—winter solstice or new moons—are times to reflect,…
The Spiritual Meaning of Anger
Understanding the spiritual meaning of anger and accepting its message can be li…
Writing to Connect to your Body
A major aspect of my practice has always been about coming home to my body. We l…
Is Downward Dog an Invention of the 20th Century?
When I first started practicing yoga, I thought it was a 5000-year-old practice.…
How Your Search for Happiness is Making You Miserable
Happiness: we all want it, and we want to know how to get it. We read books abou…
The Power of Your Mistakes
We are living in a time of more choice than ever before. Not only can we order p…
The Real Secret of Yoga (Isn’t the Yoga)
Often when we hear the word “yoga,” we think of static physical postures like Do…
Stop Opening Your Hips: Yoga for SI Joint Pain
I’ve been dealing with pain right between my sacrum and my pelvis at the joint w…
The Wisdom of Uncertainty
One of the best things about yoga, for me, has been learning to tap into the wis…
Foreboding Joy
“The best thing about yoga,” a teacher of mine used to say, “is that it makes yo…
In Defense of Hands-On Adjustments
Hands on adjustments are a relatively common but also quite controversial aspect…
The Goddess of Vulnerability: Bherunda Nitya
If you look up at the moon on the fourth night from now, you’ll see a beautiful …
The Spirituality of Desire
Sexual desire is intoxicating. Sex also connects us deeply to one another and to…
The Special Place: The Meaning of Vinyasa
My dad has a special way he likes to order when we are out at a restaurant. Firs…
How to Be a Yogi and Still Read the News
It was a bad week for news. This week’s news made me feel angry, helpless, and s…
Reclaiming Your Most Valuable Resource: Your Attention
Do you know where your phone is right now? If it beeps or vibrates, will you kee…
Yoga for Allergies Part 2: The Nervous System
A few years ago, I had a very annoying skin allergy. Wherever I scratched, my sk…
Yoga for Allergies or Seasonal Colds
Here are four yoga postures that can really help your body deal with coughs, col…
The Truth About Changing Your Habits
At the studio I run in Vancouver, we used to participate in 30-day challenges wh…
Three Tools for Managing Social Anxiety
When you are feeling stressed and anxious, what’s your strategy? If you’re like …
The Blood Moon and Your Fierce Face
Once upon a time, the great god Shiva and his beautiful consort Sati were having…
The Wisdom of Disconnection
Every now and then, I help facilitate a group of men who meets weekly to have co…
Cultivating Intimacy Through Meditation
Intimacy is, at its essence, a practice of presence: showing up and paying atten…
What Non-Attachment Can Teach Us about Intimacy
“Live in the now!” Garth exhorts Wayne as he fawns over a beautiful guitar he ca…
Find Your Voice with the Deep Core Line
“Just remember,” I told my friend right before she got onstage to perform a poem…
The Power of the “And Principle”: A Lesson in Tantra
This year, I’ve been deepening my research into Tantric yoga philosophy while al…
Quick and Dirty Yoga Detox and Cleanse Yoga Sequence
It’s a New Year, and we could all use a little help to cleanse, detoxify, and bo…
Feeding the New Year
‘Tis the season for drinking too much eggnog, eating too much, and pulling out o…
Reclaim Your Body
The yoga that we practice here in North America has a fascinating and complex hi…
How to Catch a Thought: 3 Tools for Mindfulness
“Your task is not to seek for love, but to seek and find the barriers within you…
Affirmations for Negative Self-Talk
Have you ever pasted up a big sign on your bathroom mirror that says something l…
Yoga for Menstruation
I love getting my period. I know that’s a weird thing to say, and many women gro…
When Anxiety Spirals and Mindfulness Isn’t Enough
The world doesn’t stop being confusing and cruel just because we decide to think…
Endings and Beginnings
During the time of the Fall Equinox, which fell this year on the same week as a …
Strengthen Your Relationships Through the Chakras
Getting grounded in relationships requires some talking.
The Chakras for Emotional Clarity
In emotionally confusing situations, our first urge is to try to understand. We …
Summer System Overload
It’s been a hot summer. I showed up to my yoga studio the other day, and noticed…
Tapping Into your Gut: Learning from a Source of Deep Intelligence
One way of thinking about yoga is as a form of education into your own body. The…
Boost Your Confidence with a Power Pose
One day, I showed up to my yoga mat with a broken heart. I’d just gone through a…
A Beat You Can Breathe To: Yoga and Music
Have you ever noticed the music yoga teachers play in class?We know intuitively …
The Secret Sacredness of the Yoga Body
Many yoga practitioners get curious about the deeper practices behind what we ar…
Yoga for the Moon Cycles
Discover a yoga pose to represent each quarter of the moon corresponding to its …
4 Yoga Poses Inspired by the Moon
JC Peter's offers a yoga pose to represent each quarter of the moon correspondin…
Yoga for Chronic Pain: Part 2
A rounded yoga practice includes both stimulating and calming postures to tone a…
Yoga for Chronic Pain: Part 1
Pain is incredibly useful. A calming yoga practice encourages the brain to creat…
Minding Your Moods
Sometimes, in the yoga community, it seems that what we are always trying to do …
Engage My What?! Decoding the Core
The most important instruction you’ll get in a yoga class may also sound like th…
The Legend of Ashtavakra
Two years ago, I was hit by a car on my bike. I doubled over, twisted and rolled…
The Stickiness of Stillness: The Challenges of Corpse Pose
When I was a kid, I hated naptime. I would lie down in the cot like everyone els…
The Fallow Field: The Virtue of Doing Nothing
I’ve been spending a lot of my evenings lately sitting at home watching Netflix.…
Conscious Rest: Yoga for Insomnia
Check out this simple, restorative yoga practice you can do under the covers wit…
Heart-Opening Yoga
We learn so many great lessons in yoga that totally fall apart in relationships.…
Yoga on the Go: A Sequence for Cycling
My friend Carol has been cycling—by herself—across America. She calls me from th…
Rewire Your Brain: Practice Happiness
In the wake of New Year’s Resolution season, some of us are taking a good hard l…
5 Reasons Not to Meditate
I’ll be honest: I’ve never liked meditating. I’ve dabbled in it, and forced myse…
Stressed Out? Lean into It
Stress has become a bad word in our culture. It causes illness and contributes t…
Secrets of Chaturanga Dandasana Pose
Chaturanga Dandasana, which means “four limbed staff pose,” is an incredibly com…
Accidental Meditation: You're Already Doing it
Most people think they are bad at meditating. Can’t sit still and turn your thou…
Karma: The Yoga of Action in an Unjust World
If you practice yoga, you’ve encountered the word karma at some point—in class, …
Yoga on the Go: Moon Salutation
There is definitely a specific pleasure in taking a public yoga class: listenin…
Don't Surrender Your Loneliness So Quickly
“My Eyes So Soft”by Hafiz, trans. Daniel LadinskyDon't surrender your loneliness…
The Yoga Sweat: How Our Glands Process Emotion
Sweating up a storm? Discover the emotional and spiritual meaning of sweating. …
Yoga for Shoulder Health
How often to do you walk on your hands? Do you spend time crawling around the o…
Cool It Practice: Balancing Yin and Yang in Good Measure
As human animals, we are affected by the weather. We like to think we’re not—ou…
Watch Your Mouth
“Bellydance is a service,” my dance teacher was telling us. “We are offering so…
Breathing: The Poetry of the Body
We know intuitively that our state of mind will affect our breath: it comes qui…
Yoga after 50, Still Going Strong
The story we are typically told about aging is that it is a downward slope: we …
Yoga as Medicine
The other night, my partner got a migraine. He was writhing in bed, ibuprofen s…
Is My Body Lying to Me?
“The body never lies,” Janet Stone said in a workshop on the yogic concept of sa…
Recovering from Trauma? Listen to What Your Body’s Trying to Tell You
The massage therapist slid her hand under my sacrum, and waited. I wasn’t sure w…
Yoga for Releasing Anger
Anger: we all know it, many of us well. But at a yoga party, it would be gauche …
Now Is the Time
“Now is the time to know that all you do is sacred.” ~Hafiz Remember that mome…
Unpacking the Warrior Poses
Once upon a time, Shiva, the Lord of Yoga, became infuriated to discover that hi…
Contemplating Injury: What Yoga Has Taught Me About Pain
This is how bad things have gotten: I am squatting on my floor by a low table to…
How to Develop a Home Yoga Practice
I used to think having a home practice meant I had to get up at 4 a.m. to chant …
Sun Salutations: A Dance with the Breath
I wish I could speak like music.I wish I could put the swaying splendorOf the fi…
How to Be Heard: The Yoga of Authority
I taught my first kid’s yoga class last week, at the school where my mom works. …
Puppy Guru: Why My Dog is My Best Yoga Teacher
A couple of weeks ago, I adopted a dog from the animal shelter. His name is Finn…
Yoga and Feminism
When I was in school, I wanted to talk about feminism all the time. I loved its …
Portrait of a Yogi
"A Rabbit Noticed My Condition"I was sad one day and went for a walk;I sat in a …
Expose Yourself: A New Year Intention, Inspired By the Moon
Setting New Year intentions by the moon.
When "Just Breathe" Isn't Enough: Practices for Deep Breathing
Breathing is, indeed, good for you. It’s been shown that breathing into the bell…
Translating the Secret Language of Your Dreams
I was on the hunt, seeking amrit, the nectar of immortality. I had to cross a ri…
The End of the World as We Know It: 3 Rituals for Winter Solstice
Are you ready to let go of what’s been holding you back and make space for what’…
Your Body is Talking. Are You Listening?
Injuries often happen in the silliest ways. We are intelligent adults; we look b…
Are You a Stressaholic? Here’s a Five-Minute Fix
What does it feel like to be in a relaxed state? What triggers me back into a st…
How to Create Your Own Personal Mythology
Every worldview, whether religious or cultural, is steeped in the structure of a…
Removing the Gu: The Trouble with Guru Worship
"see if they wet their pants"by KabirThe words Guru, Swami, Super Swami, Master,…
Waxing and Waning: Yoga for the Moon
Everyone, at some time or another, has felt a personal connection to the moon. M…
Past Lives and Concurrent Universes: Why Anything Is Possible
I recently took a workshop with a teacher named Gahl Sasson called “Past Life Re…
Idiot Compassion: Why Living Your Yoga Isn't Always Easy
This week, I saw something going on that I thought was wrong. Someone bigger tha…
Yogic Prescription of the Week: Read Some Good Fiction
I was sitting with a yoga teacher friend the other day, and he was having one of…
Yoga for Stick Figures: Every Body is Different
I am a yoga teacher, and I have scoliosis. I am not a straight-spined person. M…
The Yoga of Being Sick (Plus 6 Holistic Sick-Day Tips)
This week, I got sick. I’ve been feeling it coming on for weeks, and I finally w…
Bad Yogi! Bad! On Yoga and Forgiveness
I often say that yoga makes you better at absolutely everything, except remember…
Your Breath Is Your Super Power
If you’ve ever taken a yoga class, you’ve heard some reference to the breath at …
Why a Little Guilt Can Be Good For You
Guilt is a horrible feeling. When we are little kids, before our moral compass k…
Putting My Body in Your Hands: The Vulnerability of the Yoga Practice
Attending a yoga class is a fundamentally vulnerable thing to do.I think about m…
Goddess Matangi: Salty Old Lady, Teen Angst Heart
Soon, I’m turning 29. My birthday always sends me into an introspective tailspin…
The Yoga of Revolution
Yoga has been banned in several countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, and wi…
Be Yourself: Leave People-Pleasing to the Bee Gees
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the ways in which my work as an artist and…
Yoga in Your Pocket
Yoga is a good thing to have in your pocket.I’m writing this from the hotel rest…
The Art of Receiving
There’s an origin story that many yogis have: there was a first moment, a realiz…
The Yoga of Money
If we start looking more honestly at where our flow comes from and where it goes…
Synesthesia: A Practice for Translating Body Language
One of the reasons we practice yoga, in my opinion, is to become better translat…
On the Virtues of A Coffee Mug
I spent last week away from home, work, studio, email, and Facebook in the city …
The Science of Yoga
I went to take a friend of mine’s class a while ago, on a full moon. She talked …
Yogis Need Boundaries Too
Before I became a yoga teacher, I assumed all my teachers must have had it all f…
The Yoga Fight: Why Yoga & I Are “On a Break”
I have a confession to make. I haven’t been practicing yoga. But I HAVE been f…
Emotional Intelligence: A Practice for the Chakras
In last week’s post, I talked about the vital importance of emotional intelligen…
The Positivity Plague
We’re thinking about stress all wrong. “Pain is our absolute best teacher, becau…
The Yoga of Critical Thinking
I was talking recently with a fellow yoga teacher about a student who takes thre…
Ordinary Superpowers
I have a mantra. I say it to myself daily, in many situations, and it helps me i…
Composting for Your Life
It’s Spring 2012, and we just had a super full moon: The moon was closer to the …
The Delicate Art of Listening
“Close your eyes,” my yoga teacher says. “Don’t open them again for the next 90 …
Happy (Belated) Earth Day! I Got You Some Trash.
Earth Day 2012 was just a few weeks ago, and I’ve been thinking about what that …
Pitch, Pace, and Pause
As some of you already know, I am a spoken word poet, which means, generally spe…
Tao Te Ching and the Complexities of Going with the Flow
Lately, I’ve been reading the Tao Te Ching. It’s the seminal text of Taoist phil…
The Hidden Dangers of Sunshine and Flowers
As many of you already know, I am not what I would describe as a ‘sunshine and f…
Let’s Do a Spring Cleanse! (From Someone Who Hates Cleanses)
Happy first days of Spring! It’s a celebratory season, and one that just can’t …
Pratyahara: Withdrawing the Senses and Feeling Feelings
There’s a principle in Patanjali’s classical text on Yoga, the Yoga Sutras, call…
The True Key to Happiness: Peeing in the Pool
If you’ve ever wondered and searched with the greater population of the world fo…
The Season of Saraswati
Well, we’ve finally made it to March. Here in Vancouver, that means it’s still k…
Life Lessons from Yin Yoga, or, Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Yin yoga, in case you’ve never heard of it before, is a style of yoga in which y…
Testing your Hippie Boundary: Reincarnation
I was once at a workshop about managing grief through yoga practice. I remember …
Finding the Light in the Shadows: On Shri and Kali
It’s 2012: the end of the Mayan Calendar, the year of New Age spiritual transfor…
The Secrets of Your Core, or Why You Don't Need to Punch Your Yoga Teacher
The other day, my friend and yoga teacher Meghan Currie said to me about the cor…
How to Tone a Flabby Heart
Strengthening your warrior heart is about reacting with compassion and an open m…
Enter the Goddess: Shiva Rea and the Divine Feminine
Living in the world with the goddess principle means a radical change.
Teach Me, Teacher(s)!
Classically, the yoga practice (physical asana yoga as well as the meditation an…
Why You Should Resolve Not To Make Any New Year’s Resolutions
“There is a deranged hope that comes with the New Year that we are entering into…
Taking out the Trash: Goodbye 2011
As we pass the Solstice, the darkest night of the year, we are also entering int…
Open Your Heart to the Truth. NO, WAIT, SHUT THE WINDOW!
The truth will set you free! So they say. Lately I’ve been wondering—set you fr…
In Praise of the Giggles
Have you ever had a giggle fit?I used to get them all the time when I was a kid—…
The Most Important Yogic Tool You Have: The Bullshit Detector
Yoga has this wonderful quality of opening our minds and bodies at the same time…
You are Nobody. Thank Goodness.
“I always wanted to be somebody. Now I realize I should have been more specific.…
Creative Flow: How Yoga Can Spark Your Creativity
If you didn’t know me as a person, and all you knew about me was that I was a yo…
Zen and the Art of Not Tearing Your Hair Out
If you had a time machine, would you speed forward into the future or relive the…
How to Occupy Raging Bulls: The Way of the Tao
I’m going to tell you a story.One day, there was a raging bull in the middle of …
One More Reason to Wear Purple
Yesterday, I wore as much purple as I could muster. Even my eyeshadow was purple…
Why I Will Not Occupy Any Street
I was once in a workshop with celeb-yogi extraordinaire Sadie Nardini, and she a…
Me and My Guru
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the Sanskrit word “guru.” Most of us know …
Happy Birthday, Rumi and Me
Today is my 28th birthday. Birthdays have always been kinda hard for me, all the…
Tensegrity: The Softness in Power
Okay, so we all know we need to work on this thing called the “core” we keep hea…
What is Love? Baby, Don't Hurt Me
You can’t think and feel at the same time. One of my yoga teachers, Nico Luce, …
The Many Possibilities of Joy in a Small Cup: Yoga, Life, and the Second Chakra
Lately, I’m really into joy.That probably makes me sound like a jerk. I don’t me…
Yoga, Transformation, Silence, and Why I'm Just Like Gandhi
When famous yogi and author Yogananda visits Gandhi in his memoir Autobiography …
How Yoga Got My Mom and Me Through the Worst Summer Ever
Summer. A time of fun in the sun, pretty clothes, romance, rainbows, and unicorn…