Jared Wyma-Bradley
Jared Wyma-Bradley is an interfaith chaplain with a graduate degree in theology. He works in a state psych hospital providing one-on-one spiritual care as well as leading groups on spiritual topics and practices.

How to Meditate With a Raisin to Ease Anxiety
The raisin meditation focuses all your senses to calm anxious thoughts.
Womanism 101: Liberating Theology
What does the servant do when confronted with injustice and oppression? Is she s…
Death Awareness: Wrestling, Reflecting, and Revising the Final Act
Practicing death awareness need not be morbid. It can help you live your values …
Celebrate Advent: A Time to Wait, Improvise, and Survive
While Christmas embodies birth, new life, and hope realized, Advent is about pre…
Reviving the Love Feast
Anyone can host and anyone can bless in this ancient practice. Find the divine—a…
Divine Depiction: The Use of Icons for Prayer and Transformation
More than religious art, iconography is an entry point into divine presence.…