Eve Hogan

Eve Eschner Hogan is a relationship specialist, and author of several books including The EROS Equation: A SOUL-ution for Relationships. In Real Love with Eve, she shares skills, principles, and tools for creating healthy, harmonious relationships—with friends, family, lovers, co-workers, and the world at large. Her uncommon approach to common sense will help you sail away from ego battles and into the calmer waters of real love. Learn more about Eve's Heart Path retreats at sacredmauiretreats.com. She is the author of Way of the Winding Path: A Map for the Labyrinth of Life.

Eve Hogan

The Crowded Labyrinth: Mastering Relationships on the Labyrinthine Path

The labyrinth can be a tool for working on relationships, and walking a labyrint…

The Turns of the Labyrinth

Each turn of the labyrinth offers us the chance to look at our own lives from a …

Walking the Labyrinth for Self-Discovery

"If you walk embracing the principle that you are walking the labyrinth to learn…

The Labyrinth as a Walking Meditation

Meditation can be frustrating, with physical discomfort and constant, intrusive …

A Pilgrimage: Making Sense of a Labyrinth Walk

When a labyrinth is walked with even a small amount of direction, it becomes a p…

Healing the Inner Teen, Hearing the Outer Teen

It's time to forgive your inner teenager.

3 Steps to Rebuilding a Relationship

When trying to repair a relationship—even with yourself—take these intentional s…

5 Stages of a Relationship’s Demise

Stages we unconsciously engage in to try to repair a relationship.

3 Practices for Loving Fully in the Face of Loss

When you face inevitable loss, remember these three things.

Ask Yourself: 6 Questions About Judging Others

Modern culture practically demands that we have strong opinions on everything, i…

Creativity as a Relationship Skill

Get creative in how you approach your relationships.

Managing the Invisible Space in Relationships

Clear your negative thoughts and align with a more loving and warm-hearted energ…

Finding the Right Time to Break Up

Sometimes scheduling a break up smoothes the transition process for everyone inv…

#MeToo: A Teachable Moment

The nuances of assault, harassment, sexual advances and responsibility.

Explore the Labyrinth as a Walking Meditation

Add the winding path of a labyrinth to your journey and you have a perfect scena…

7 Antidotes to Feeling Stuck

Common ways that create a sense of being stuck and their antidote.

Why a Will is Important for You and Your Loved Ones

Being prepared for the inevitable will help your loved ones left behind.…

10 Ways to Avoid Drama Burnout

Find ways to take a break from overwhelming situations.

No Laughing Matter: Joking Too Much in a Relationship Can Be Hurtful

Biting humor can hurt. And yes, there is such a thing as joking too much in a re…

When Your Relationship Suffers Due to Neglect

Procrastination, expectation, and inaction have the power to destroy our relatio…

8 Ways to Practice Memory Mindfulness for Loving Relationships

Extending your mindfulness practice to your memories will serve your loving, har…

The Power of One Word

A single word can guide us back to our path when we have lost our way.

A Look at What Really Matters

Clarify your values and align them with how you live your life.

How Mood Can Destroy—or Save—a Marriage

Take a moment to reflect on how often your bad mood or bad attitude gets spewed all over your most significant others.

Mindfulness in Messaging

While I would love to tell you “all communication is good communication,” it sim…

The Path of Logic in Holding Faith

Recently a young man came to me very upset. Faith and a belief in God had been s…

The Slippery Slope of Trust

As a society, most of us would unanimously rank trust as an important part of re…

When Love and Political Opinion Clash

I regularly see posts on social media from people saying, “If you voted for_____…

Freedom in Commitment

I was talking with a delightful couple the other day. They shared that they were…

Shifting Your Perspective for Greater Clarity

I have been walking labyrinths, and facilitating others using them as a walking …

Staying Present While Planning the Future

Someone recently posed the question, “While dating, how does one stay in the pre…

Hot Button Words

I was reading about certain words that should never be used in advertising becau…

Does Spontaneous Crying Mean I’m an Empath?

Does it ever seem like you’re crying for no reason? Spontaneous crying may be a …

You Are My Valentine. And You, and You …

Can we try directing our love toward’s everyone, just for one day?

108 Day Mindfulness Practice

Here are 108 suggestions for your own personalized 108-day mindfulness practice.…

Finding Happy

This is the time of year when we wish people “Happy” or a variation on the theme…

Surviving Infidelity

It seems no relationship is safe from the potential of infidelity, whether a pri…

Dementia as My Teacher

I am a huge advocate of self-observation and monitoring of one’s own behavior. I…

The Extra Step…Toward Love

After 25 years of partnership with my husband, I realize that one of the things …

Controlling vs Caring vs Responsibility

Recently, I was working with a couple and was explaining how the ego works, or r…

Minor Effort, Major Changes

It is my observation that people tend to get caught in the trap of thinking that…

Let It Go, Set Yourself Free

I remember the first time I went to a talk on “letting go” nearly thirty years a…

Speak Your Heart, Not Your Mind

Since when did “saying what’s on your mind,” no matter what, become an admirable…

Raising the World’s Vibration

I find myself feeling despair, grief, and fear rise as I listen to the news of s…

So You Think You Want a Divorce

If truth be told, I think every person in a marriage has questioned whether they…

What’s the Point in Relationships?

Sometimes I hear people question whether it is even possible or realistic to mak…

Wedding Tips for a Sacred Ceremony

I’ve been performing weddings for nearly twenty years. I’ve performed ceremonies…

Compassion for Dating in the Technological Age

Recently I had a young man working with me who showed me the Tinder app as a mea…

The Spiritual Hug

Hugs are good for you, but do you get or give daily hugs? How long do they last?…

When Loyalty and Integrity Clash

When I was in my twenties, my dad gave me a Franklin Day Planner and an audiotap…

Vindictive Ex-Lovers—and Six Ways to Avoid Them

When I was in my late teens, still living at home with my parents, I broke up wi…

10 Romantic Love Habits

Valentine’s Day stirs up the concept of romance, but what, exactly is it and how…

What Is Your Crazy?

When I was twenty-one, my grandma was bedridden and needed full time care. She w…

Starting Fresh with Forgiveness

As we launch into a new year, resolving for fresh starts, you may discover that …

Relationship Year in Review

As the year closes, it is a great time to review and evaluate how things are doi…

Journaling With Your Non-Dominant Hand

Journaling with your non-dominant hand (and answering with the other) is about t…

The Power of Thank You

When you begin to notice that you are bogged down by too much to do, and stress …

How to Heal a Broken Heart

While interviewing Katherine Woodward Thomas, author of Conscious Uncoupling: Fi…

Stepping on Holy Toes

I am a pretty spiritual person. I choose to believe in God. At the same time, I …

We Are All Responsible for Shootings

When I was a school counselor, there was a girl in the sixth grade who was absen…

The Value Of Curiosity in Building Relationships

Once, when I was much younger and relatively new to the personal growth field, I…

What is Real Love?

I recently read an article about the multitude of celebrity break ups that have …

Peace Starts Here

Most of us are pretty appalled by the warring ways of the world. Many of us thin…

Resistance is Futile

Once a particularly needy neighbor told me she wanted to buy a bike for her son.…

Free to Change

I was working with a woman recently who had been through two divorces. I was tea…

Walking the Labyrinth of Relationships

Labyrinths have taken their rightful place in spas, churches, hospitals, parks, …

The Negativity Trap of Self-Improvement

The “self-improvement” arena advocates positive thinking, being mindful and awar…

What White People Don’t Know—or Don’t Admit

Believe it or not, as a blond haired, blue-eyed gal, I was the senior editor of …

Mindfulness with Internet Relationships

Technology has revolutionized relationships in so many ways. We can now find old…

8 Things Not to Do After—or During—A Break-Up

1. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you want something what you don’t real…

Reveal Your True Self to the World

Everywhere I go, I see people taking selfies. Upon first glance, it looks like w…

The Deception of Anger in Love

Often when we get caught up in our anger, we think it is the only emotion we are…

The Inward Journey: How Well Do You Know Yourself?

We spend 100% of our time in our own company, and yet many of us may be surprise…

Playing with Relationship Fire

I’ve been watching a trend among some of the people I work with—they are playing…

How You Know It's Over

When I “hit the wall” in my own marriage years ago, my ego saw only two options.…

Starting Again—with You

Often when a couple with a long history together comes to me in an attempt to sa…

Steering a Relationship on the Rocks

Relationship on the rocks? If your relationship is a ship, the ego acts as a loo…

Finding Your (Heart) Center in Relationships

Often in my work I encourage people to create a target of all the things they wa…

Unconditional Love…Do You Deserve It?

Once I was in India visiting a holy man who my family had known since I was a ch…

Money, Ego, and Relationships

Money and relationships don't always work in harmony, especially when the ego is…

Honoring the Inner Child During the Holidays

The holidays are the highlight of the year for kids; the only problem is that I …

Mixed Emotions of the Holidays

As the holiday season is now in full swing, I can’t help but observe the swing o…

Mindful Love

Just when we think we have mastered mindfulness alone in our daily practice, we …

Young Love

Recently, a mother asked me for advice on how to keep her teenage daughter, who …

Love After Death

Are we still married after the death of one partner? “Til death do us part,” is …

What is your Return On Relationship Investment?

For nearly twenty years I have been teaching at CEO Space, an entrepreneurial tr…

The Winding Path of Relationships

When I was younger, I hiked the beautiful Na Pali Coast of Kauai, which spans el…

The Voice of Handwriting

I have a treasure chest, well ok —a suitcase —in my office of old handwritten le…

The Ice Bucket Challenge: Remembering My Mother

I am impressed with the viral nature of the “Ice Bucket Challenge,” but I’m wond…

What is the Treasure Hiding Beneath Your Fears?

Most of us have a “fight or flight” response to fear. We either get reactive abo…

5 Relationship Illusions—and a Practice for Reality

We’ve all done it. We have blamed our boyfriend, girlfriend, lover or spouse for…

The Fine Line Between Helpful and Hurtful in Relationships

Fortunately, we live in a society in which helpfulness and kindness are fairly c…

10 Reasons to Say No to Sex

Ranging from immediate circumstances to larger convictions, here are 10 good rea…

Why People Have Sex…and When They Should Reconsider

Why people have sex doesn’t seem like a mystery, but a study at the University o…

Emotions at the Speed of Light

While working with a relationship retreat guest recently, I had a funny realizat…

Getting Real in the Realm of Love

Once when I broke up with a man, I was struggling with getting over him. When he…

Helping Graduates Transition into the Real World

As the end of the school year approaches, expectations and anxiety begin to loom…


It is such a funny word, missing. We use it all the time, “I miss you,” “I would…

Signs of an Ego Battleship Instead of a Relationship

Would you ask your poorest friend for financial advice? While they may be well i…

What are Your Deal Breakers?

Most of us have explored the concept of “deal breakers” in a relationship in the…

3 Mistakes People Make When Suffering From a Transition

Life is full of 180 degree turns. Just when we think we have things figured out,…

When Unconditional Love Is Conditional

I was once working with a group of teenagers discussing “integrity agreements,” …

5 Simple Ways to Breathe Life into a Relationship

The turning of a year seems to beg us to reevaluate, revitalize, and recommit. W…

4 Tips to Practice Acceptance During the Holidays

Accepting, observing, and experiencing a different family culture as you would a…

Holiday Maintenance: Finding Peace Within

A great sage, Swami Prabhavananda, once said, “If the body is thought of as a bu…

Stop Playing the Blame Game

I often find it valuable to take commonplace sayings, or “rules” and, rather tha…

Who's Beneath Your Mask?

Each Halloween, people try to decide which costumes to wear and which personalit…

Keeping it "More Real" in the Labyrinth of Life

I recently led a group of older elementary school students through the experienc…

Honoring 9/11 By Reviewing Our Priorities

In honor of the 12th anniversary of the September 11 attacks on America, I invit…

The Simple Mechanics of Intimacy

Ever wonder where we get our intimacy skills and beliefs? It concerns me that t…

Love School

The Gottman Institute reports that the average couple waits six years before se…

The Short Road to Self-Mastery?

I received this response after my recent blog “Instant Reframe”: “My experience …


I recently had the opportunity to take a “doors-off” helicopter ride around the…

The Lenses Through Which We Believe

We all know the concept of looking at the world through “rose-colored glasses,”…

The Blessing of the "Instant Reframe"

In February, my property on Maui, The Sacred Garden, was hit with a massive flas…

A Journey in Listening

In honor of Mother’s Day and my own mother, who passed away of Lou Gehrig’s Dise…

Marriage on the Installment Plan

The recent conversations about same-sex marriage have got me thinking. Someone o…

How to Contact an Old Flame: Mindfully

One of the best things about the Internet is our ability to reconnect with old f…

A Simple Practice to Feel More Love In Your Life

Dear Eve,I’ve been in a few relationships, but I’m not sure if true love was eve…

Does Cheating Spell Doom for a Relationship?

Dear Eve,I have a friend who is planning to marry a guy she has been dating for …

Valentine’s Day: Don’t Seek Love, Be Love

So often when Valentine’s Day is approaching, we all start looking for signs of …

Cultivating Contagious Gratitude

When I walk through my plant nursery, The Sacred Garden, right after we have wat…

13 Choices We Must Make to Honor Love

The holidays—or as I like to call them, the holy-days—are upon us: a special sea…

What to Do When a Relationship Changes

Hi Eve,I have been married for a few years and I am starting to get a little con…

Giving Thanks for the Small Stuff (And Nothing is Small Stuff)

Having suffered several losses in my family over the years, I must admit that it…

Awareness at Your Fingertips: Mindfulness and Multitasking

Mindfulness and multitasking aren’t necessarily in opposition to each other. But…

Channel Your Inner Child: How to Live with More Joy, Passion, and Love

A few years ago I became an adopted grandma and had a five year old living in my…

What Are Your Charms?

Several years ago my husband and I decided we wanted to buy a home in a really n…

Start With Heart: 3 Steps to a Healthier Relationship

Want a healthier relationship? Remember what your goal is. Start with three easy…

Are You Spending Too Much Time Together?

Dear Eve,I just started to see someone new. Even though we’ve only been dating a…

Dating Online: Are You Just In Love With Love?

Dear Eve,I’m only fourteen years old, but I need some help. I have been talking …

Emotional Overwhelm? How to Hang In There

Dear Eve, I am so frustrated I feel like giving up. I am struggling in so many …

From Lust to Love: On the Virtues of Taking It Slow

Dear Eve, I’m trying to get a guy back. This is our "short" history (my mistake…

A Little Appreciation Goes a Long Way!

I was petting one of my cats the other day and enjoying how much he was apprecia…

Healthy Choices

“Soon, you will find that as you begin to make your inner world healthier—one of…

What are You Waiting For? Ditch the True Love Myth

When it comes to the health of our bodies or it comes to the health of our relat…

Sex Outside Marriage: Possibility or Pipe Dream?

Dear Eve,I’ve been married 30 years. My wife has several health ailments, becaus…

A Question of Love

In Alice in Wonderland, Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, “Which direction do I go f…

Big Life Decision? How to Determine What You Actually Want

So you think you know what you want: But are you sure? When I was much younger a…

Self Talk: Changing Reality One Word at a Time

Recently I was giving a workshop where I spoke about the importance of changing …

Perfect Strangers

Have you ever thought about your relationship with absolute strangers? Okay, so …

Got Compassion?

Let’s skip the judgment and step into love. Sometimes when I speak to people of…

Practicing Intellectual Foreplay

I am starting a new relationship after a divorce. I feel cynical about marriage …

Are You a Good Choice as a Partner?

My husband and I met while I was on Maui on vacation and spent the next five mon…

Unpacking Spiritual Cliches: Letting Go

In the realm of spiritual cliché’s we have covered Be Who You Really Are and Be …

Unpacking Some Spiritual Cliché’s: Be Here Now

In my last post, we explored what the cliché of what “Who You Really Are” actual…

Unpacking Some Spiritual Clichés

In the world of personal and spiritual growth there are some terms that have bee…

Shatter Your Illusions: Practice Acceptance of What Is

Recently a business associate wrote me an e-mail complaining that I hadn’t yet s…

Happily Ever After Starts at the Beginning

I have performed hundreds of weddings and have come to the conclusion (completel…

Spring Cleaning for Home and Heart

We are all familiar with the concept of “spring cleaning” as a time for going th…

When the Grass Is Greener

Having the name Eve is quite an archetype to manage all by itself. The name Eve …

The Fifth Essential Life Skill: Taking Aligned Action

This is part five of a series featuring the Five Essential Life Skills. The firs…

Essential Life Skill Four: Realign with your Authentic Self

This is part four of a series featuring the Five Essential Life Skills. The firs…

The Second Essential Life Skill: Self-Observe

This is part two of a series featuring the Five Essential Life Skills. My last p…

Bending the Golden Rule

Variations of the ancient protocol “Do unto others as you would have them do unt…

5 Essential Life Skills, Part 1: Remember Who You Are

This is part one of a series featuring the Five Essential Life Skills.Through th…

To Escape a Hole of Despair, Grab the Lifeline of Gratitude

Stuck in a hole of despair over lost dreams and lack of support, escape lies in …

Relationship Resolutions 2012

Ah, the New Year. That wonderful time when we feel like we get to start fresh, r…

Spiritual Affirmations: What They Are and How They Work

Spiritual affirmations are declarations to ourselves and the universe of our int…

The Holy Family

The holy-days are a special time for children (and adults), in part because of t…

Your Own Inner Wisdom Gives the BEST Advice

Dear Eve,I’m a 27-year-old female, happy and independent and have just recently …

Fear or Intuition?

Fear and intuition are hard to tell apart.

Getting Unstuck from a Relationship Rut

Dear Eve,I love my husband so much; we have been together for a long time, but I…

Bad Boys: How come I can't live with 'em and I can't live without 'em?

Eve,Why do I constantly pick bad boys or men who are destined to hurt me eventua…

If He’s Getting Cold Feet, Proceed with a Generous Heart

A friendship between a single mom and a single dad veers toward romance, but he’…

Wedding Called Off: Blessing or Curse?

Dear EveI’m needing help, badly. I’m a 29-year-old male whose wedding was just c…

Past Lover Haunting Current Relationship

Dear Eve,I am writing to ask how common it is for people to encounter problems w…

First-Date Fears

Dear EveI think I have a serious problem. I am 24 years old and I have never bee…

Would You Date Yourself?

Dear Eve,I am just not successful in love. I go out on dates, maybe even go out …

Swinging in a Marriage: Good Idea or Bad?

Dear Eve,Is it “normal” for your husband, age 54, married 24 years, with two chi…

Do-It-Yourself Love

Dear Eve,I am in some deep relationship trouble. My husband (52 years old) of 8 …

Anger, Integrity and Thou

Dear Eve,I damaged my relationship pretty badly and consequently, my boyfriend i…


Dear Eve,I am writing because I’m in a funk. I have a wonderful marriage of almo…

Better Late Than Never

Hello Eve,I serendipitously came across your name here at Spirituality & Hea…