Emily Qureshi-Hurst
Emily Qureshi-Hurst is a doctorate of Philosophy candidate in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on philosophical questions surrounding the intersection of religion and science.

Exploring a History of Human Emotion With Richard Firth-Godbehere
Futurist and historian of emotion Richard Firth-Godbehere walks through the vast…
Book Review: A Human History of Emotion
EMOTIONS ARE one of the most universally experienced aspects of being human. We …
No Bad Parts With Dr. Richard C. Schwartz
According to Dr. Richard C. Schwartz, systemic family therapist and founder of I…
Book Review: No Bad Parts
Have you ever wanted to break out of destructive behavioral patterns? Are there …
5 Lessons For Living Your Best Life From a Philosophical Theologian
Paul Tillich is one of the greatest philosophical theologians you’ve probably ne…
5 Ways Gardening Is Good for Your Mental Health
Gardening is a lifelong practice that provides countless mental and physical hea…
6 Life Lessons From 6 Philosophers
You’re already a philosopher—“all you need is an enquiring mind.”
What Have YOU Learned From 2020?
What have you learned in 2020? If you feel you have struggled this past year, me…
3 Lessons to Learn From Conversations Between Science and Religion
Science and religion aren't enemies. A healthy conversation between them offers …
Existential Angst and Social Media
Using social media can be bad for your health. Existentialist wisdom can help re…