Dr. Cresencia Felty, ND
Dr. Cresencia Felty ND is a holistic naturopathic doctor based in Chicago. Dr. Felty offers virtual visits for all ages and health conditions. During visits, she teaches you how to implement effective and natural solutions to achieve your health goals such as lifestyle adjustments, nutrition, botanical medicine, detoxification, and supplementation. Dr. Felty takes time to get to know you, addresses the root causes of symptoms, and supports your body’s natural ability to heal itself. She offers functional medicine testing at her locations and virtually to identify root causes to health concerns such as inflammation, hormone imbalance, vitamin deficiencies, gut health issues, and infections. Dr. Felty considers herself a holistic teacher, rather than a doctor, who cares about the mind, body, and spirit. She is passionate about helping people improve their mental health naturally.

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