Don Lattin
Don Lattin is a veteran journalist and the author of five books on religion and spirituality in America. His national bestseller, The Harvard Psychedelic Club: How Timothy Leary, Ram Dass, Huston Smith and Andrew Weil Killed the Fifties and Ushered in a New Age for America, won the 2010 California Book Award for nonfiction. His most recent work, Distilled Spirits: Getting High, Then Sober, With a Famous Writer, Forgotten Philosopher and a Hopeless Drunk, is a memoir and group biography of writer Aldous Huxley, philosopher Gerald Heard, and Bill Wilson, cofounder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Lattin’s stories have appeared in The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the San Francisco Chronicle, where he covered the religion beat for two decades. He lives on an island in the San Francisco Bay with his wife, Laura, and his dog, Bella. Visit him at

Psychedelic Medicine
Other drugs may soon follow marijuana’s path from illegal to medical to decrimin…
Transcending Depression Without a Script
Antidepressants leveled out the highs and lows. So I found ways to supercharge them—to fully experience the agony and the ecstasy. And that feels better…
Book Review: Wanted
WantedA Spiritual Pursuit Through Jail, Among Outlaws, and Across BordersBy…
Taking the Ashes
Many people keep their religion to themselves, worshipping within the stoney con…
Book Review: Keeping The Faith Without A Religion
Keeping the Faith without a ReligionBy Roger HousdenSounds TrueRoger Housden has…
Beyond "Good Guru, Bad Guru"
When I interview a former devotee who’s become disillusioned with a spiritual te…
A New, Improved Bible
To fundamentalist Christians and many traditional Catholics, the very idea of pr…
Uncover Your Place of Power
Don Lattin writes about his Big Sur misadventures in his latest book, Distilled …
Book Review: Waking from the Dream
Waking from the DreamThe Struggle for Civil Rights in the Shadow of Martin Luthe…
The Crack in Everything
Don Lattin is slashing the price of his book Distilled Spirits for Christmas, charging only $1.99 for the e-book between Dec. 20-27. Then it's back to $9.99. Click HERE for the Kindle Countdown Deal.
Two Great Minds, Two Spiritual Conversions
Don Lattin writers about Gerald Heard’s impact on Aldous Huxley in Distilled Spirits—Getting High, then Sober, with a Famous Writer, a Forgotten Philosopher, and a Hopeless Drunk. To learn more, go to
Aldous Huxley: The Other Great Man Who Died This Week
This week, many of us from the Baby Boom generation are remembering one of the e…
Pope Francis: Fresh Face in the Vatican
My years of writing about religion and spirituality for San Francisco’s two dail…
Tattooed Hipster Lutheran Pastor
I’ll confess. I have my preconceived ideas about what constitutes your typical L…
How Jewish Are You?
Being Jewish in America today has less to do with religious belief and more to d…
Bringing the Wisdom Back Home
One of the trickier things about going off on a spiritual retreat is not what ha…
Laughing Buddha, Laughing Jesus
There’s a line I love from Leonard Cohen, not a song lyric but a remark the s…
The Father of Tantra — Pierre Bernard
At first glance, the neo-tantra movement, with its many books, videos, and works…
Let's Talk Tantra
What’s the first thing you think of when someone says the word “tantra?” Does it…
John Muir: American Eco-Prophet
Over the last few decades, some churches and other religious institutions hav…
The Greening of the Self
How do we as individuals approach a problem as seemingly hopeless and overwhe…
Down in the Chapel
Religious Life in an American PrisonBy Joshua DublerFarrar, Straus and GirouxIn …
The Subversive Wisdom of Jesus and Buddha
We were talking about the spiritual benefits of doubt, and about a Buddhist t…
On the Virtue of Knowing Nothing
The very title of this blog, “Spiritual Search,” puts doubt and open-mindedness …
In Pursuit of Sacred Sex
In a world where Judeo-Christian faith no longer writes the rules on intimacy, w…
Confessions of a Born-Again Agnostic
How many times during the day—if ever—do the following three words p…
What Makes Scripture Holy?
What makes scripture “holy?” Ask that question to a fundamentalist Christian, …
When Less is More
There’s an underground spiritual movement in the United States that has grown so…
Buddhism and the Twelve Steps
For some addicts, hitting bottom and having a spiritual awakening are the first …
Defining the Indefinable
“Spiritual” starts to lose its meaning when you turn on the TV and hear a mid…
Enter the Nones
Editor’s Note: Welcome Don Lattin, a veteran journalist and the author of five b…
The Second Coming of Psychedelics
Inside the mind-tripping, soul-changing, ground-shifting, 21st century therapy.