Dena Merriam
Dena Merriam is an international interfaith leader and the founder of the Global Peace Initiative of Women. She has been a student of Paramahansa Yogananda for 45 years. She is the author of When the Bright Moon Rises: The Awakening of Ancient Memories; My Journey Through Time; The Untold Story of Sita; and Rukmini and the Turning of Time.
For more information about Dena Merriam’s new book, When the Bright Moon Rises, please visit

Shaping Our Future
Our actions in this moment (and lifetime) can affect future lifetimes—explore ho…
The Science of Rebirth
Explore how the idea of rebirth (and memories of past lives) is not limited to E…
Understanding Karma
"The law of karma is not a system of punishment and reward but a way the univers…