Deborah Jones
Deborah Jones is the executive director of Nine Gates Programs, Inc., serving as the spiritual leader and primary teacher of the Mystery Schools and other graduate programs. She is also the founder of Nine Gates graduate program, the Esoteric School. Deborah has worked intensely with wisdom keepers from around the world, practicing the healing arts, shamanism, the integrative application of the Hindu and Buddhist tantric paths, tribal trance dance, the transpersonal psychology of spiritual awakening through the energy and emotional bodies, and other ancient arts of the wisdom tradition schools.
Cynthia Bourgeault dedicated her book, The Meaning of Mary Magdalene, to Deborah saying, “To Deborah Jones whose graceful incarnation of Magdalenic energy reassures me that everything I have written in this book is possible.” In this way she serves as the cornerstone of Nine Gates’ graduate community.

Mysticism of the Breath
Mysticism of the breath is an ancient, and appropriately timeless, tool for heal…
The Right Use of Will: Beyond Willfulness
Too much will? Not enough will? Most of us know how to bungee cord jump between …
The Evolutionary Path of Spiritual Practice
When you engage with your next spiritual practice, remember you are entering in…
Living Awake
“I sense that our humanness is not an impediment to waking up, but rather some…
Training to Die Awake
Dying awake is a journey rather than a single moment during the dying process. T…
Reality ... What’s Real About It?
To be free is to not be bound, and yet every day we choose to tie ourselves to o…
Conscious Speaking: A Path of Awakening
Speech is our thoughts, our feelings, our intention, and our energy expressed as…
Stabilizing an Open Heart
“There is a difference between feeling the emotion of the heart opening ... rath…
In the True Spirit of Community
"There’s something old and ancient in our bodies that tells us community has its…
Being Grounded in an Ungrounded World
Being connected to life. Returning home to yourself. Serving others. You were ma…
A Mystery School’s Place in a Modern World
Ancient teachings long held in every wisdom tradition are being unlocked now, as…