Bianca Alexander
Bianca is the creative director and host of Conscious Living, a lifestyle TV show highlighting health, sustainability and spirituality, now airing on broadcast TV across the U.S. She is a certified yoga instructor and plant-based nutritionist. Connect with her on twitter @ConsciousTV or via Conscious Living TV on facebook and instagram.

How to Follow Your Dreams
A retreat can bring more balance into our lives so we can move boldly towards ou…
Sit Up Straight: How to Deepen Your Meditation with Better Posture
If you’ve been meditating for some time now, but haven’t been able to deepen you…
The Art of Balance: Mastering Headstand
Sometimes the only way to see things clearly is to turn my world upside down.…
Lovelight Yoga + Kirtan Festival: Groove is in the Heart
If you love heart opening music, camping under the stars and yoga, then don’t mi…
Understanding the True Purpose of Yoga
The true purpose of this 5,000+-year-old-practice was never about contorting int…
Goddess Rising: Awakening the Divine Feminine
Award-winning author and 1,000 Goddesses founder Mare Cromwell on working for ch…
How to Learn From Your Past Lives
One tranquil morning on the beautiful island of Bali, I reclined outdoors on a s…
VIDEO: Easy Vegan Macaroon Recipe
Hankering for a sweet treat? If you love healthy desserts, watch this episode, w…
Dance Like No One's Watching: How to Get Your Creative Groove Back
“Creativity is God’s will for us and should be practiced like any other spiritua…
Video: How to Transform Grief and Heal Emotional Trauma
If you've ever suffered from depression, anger or any other emotional blockage i…
VIDEO: Finding A Cure for Breast Cancer
Each year, over 40,000 women die from breast cancer. Despite billions of dollars…
WATCH: Digital Detox: Monastery Retreat in Umbria
Are you in need of a digital detox? Then unplug from your daily routine and watc…
Healthy Vegan Summer Chili Recipe
When temperatures rise, it's the perfect time to turn off the oven and prepare a…
VIDEO: The Sound of Zen - Tassajara Mountain Retreat
On this episode of Conscious Living, we visit the nation’s oldest Zen Monastery,…
The Zen of Organic Farming
Today, we visit the Green Gulch Farm Zen Center just outside San Francisco. Sinc…
Like Salsa For Snowboarding: On the Front Lines of Love
The first time I went skiing in high school was terrifying. I took a total of on…
How to Take a Spiritual Sabbatical
In our high-tech world filled with 24-7 technology, social media and the need to…
Yoga and the Journey to Sobriety
I grew up in a household of teetotalers. The only alcohol anyone in my family dr…
Celebrate Hanukkah! Vegan Sweet Potato Latke Recipe
On this episode, Susan Barocas, the founding director of the Jewish Food Experie…
11 Tasty Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes
As a vegan, there’s nothing worse than showing up to holiday dinner hungry and d…
10 Relaxing Chair Yoga Exercises
Pause. Breathe. Repeat.Whether you're injured, lack mobility or find yourself st…
Video: Building Optimal Men's Health
Want to learn more about men's health?On this episode of Conscious Living, chiro…
Video: Maui's Farm to Table Magic
Every day, 90% of the food consumed in Hawaii is flown over from the mainland, w…
10 Lies My Breast Surgeon Told Me
By Bianca Alexander and Howard Jacobson, Ph.D.According to the NIH, approximatel…
Walk Like a Yogi: How to Live Your Yoga Practice Off the Mat
As many die hard yogis can attest, committing to a consistent yoga asana (Sanskr…
Video: Cancer-Fighting Pizza Recipe
We all know that adopting a healthy diet rich in fruits and veggies is a great w…
Video: Thermography - A Better Alternative to Mammograms?
According to the NIH, approximately 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast c…
The Magic of Beginner's Mind
"In the beginner's mind there are so many possibilities; in the expert's mind, t…
VIDEO: A Spiritual Recipe for the Jewish High Holidays
On this episode of Conscious Living®, Susan Barocas, founder of The Jewish Food …
VIDEO: How to Have a More Compassionate Diet
My decision to go vegan was the result of a long journey which began with the de…
VIDEO: Garrison Institute: Fertile Ground for Contemplative Practice
As our planet evolves, more and more seekers look to contemplative practice to d…
VIDEO: The Ultimate Raw Chocolate Brownie
Almost everyone loves chocolate, but too much of a good thing is not always grea…
Raw Food for the Soul
We all know that a raw vegan diet is great for detoxing, healing the body and ov…
Understanding Karmic Relationships
With origins in ancient India, the term karma stems from the sanskrit word for “…
Video: Reiki 101
The science is indisputable: all living things are composed of energy. In this m…
The Spiritual Ego Trap
Though many of us may have a love-hate relationship with our ego, it’s necessary…
VIDEO: Toxic-Free Summer Make-Up Tips
Still wearing toxic make-up filled with talcum powder, aluminum, parabens and ot…
VIDEO: Vegan Gluten-Free Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich Recipe
To me, cookies and ice cream are the perfect comfort food. But once I learned ab…
Overcoming the Tyranny of Victimhood: 100% Accountability
You can’t turn on the news these days without witnessing the aftermath of one vi…
VIDEO: Healthy Dessert! Raw Strawberry Cheesecake
Love dessert but hate what it does to your waistline? Then watch this episode of…
Battle On! Embracing Your Hero's Journey
Difficulties in life are inevitable. But how we perceive our challenges directly…
VIDEO: Core-Strengthening Yoga Sequence
While there are countless external reasons for strengthening your core - a flatt…
Raw, Healthy + Savory Bangkok Wild Rice Recipe
Still think going raw means you have to eat flavorless vegetables and cold crudi…
How to Raise Your Spiritual Vibration
You have the power to up your frequency at any moment. Discover how to raise you…
Healing Body Image Through Belly Dance
As we evolve towards more gender equality on the planet, communities that cultiv…
VIDEO: Self-Realization Fellowship Monastic on The Power of Silence
Often, the best way to deepen our spiritual practice is by unplugging from the n…
Vegan Mother's Day Brunch
This Mother's Day, show mom you love her by preparing a homemade vegan brunch th…
Speaking Out On Climate Change
In the wake of our hottest year on record, polar caps melting faster than predic…
Video: Chemical-Free Hair Care Tips
There's nothing healthier you can do for your body than going natural with your …
How Conscious Is Your Money?
For those on the spiritual path, we pride ourselves on being mindful in a myriad…
DIY Spring Gardening Secrets
Ready to grow your own food this season?On this in-studio episode of Conscious L…
Resurrecting the Universal Christ Consciousness
Growing up in a conservative Christian family, I was taught to believe that bein…
6 Ways to Celebrate Your Cycle
In the days of the old testament, menstruating women were considered unclean or …
Vegan Man: Raw Cheezy Jalapeño Kale Chip Recipe
On this segment of Conscious Living, we are back in the kitchen with Vegan Man, …
Video: Healthy Cleaning, Healthy Home
Cleaning the home is essential, but the harsh chemicals contained in most cleani…
Toxin-Free Bedding
You will spend approximately 1/3 of your life span in bed, but don't realize how…
Video: Healing Black History Tour
Healing in the present often requires confronting a painful past. On this episod…
8 Secrets for Lasting Love
From knowing your worth to being vulnerable, here are eight secrets to lasting l…
Video: Heart Opening Yoga Flow
We all want more love, right? But it's impossible to fully give or receive love …
VIDEO The Girl's Got Game: Pro Football's Conscious Diva
I used to think football was just for the gents—until this episode of Conscious …
Is it Time for a Colonic?
For the bulk of my life, I was chronically constipated. If I was lucky, I’d go t…
VIDEO: Feng Shui Your Life
Looking to create more love, wealth or clarity in your life? Then watch today's …
VIDEO: Sweet Green Detox Smoothie
On this episode of Conscious Living®, Michael Alexander (a/k/a "Vegan Man") prep…
Conscious Detox 101
No matter what you do to clean up your outside, there's no faster way to a healt…
A Conscious Holiday
Tap into the joy of the season by tuning in to Conscious Living's® holiday speci…
Finding Unity During the Holiday
When I was little, I believed in Santa Claus. It was part of my family’s annual …
Conscious Holiday Gift Ideas
"Tis better to give than to receive during the holidays, but most gifts in the m…
Video: Conscious Holiday Getaway
On this episode of Conscious Living®, we visited San Francisco to search for the…
OM For The Holidays: 5 Minute Yoga
Between traveling, buying gifts, cooking the "perfect" meal and managing kids an…
Conscious Holiday Travel
Did you know that CO2 emissions from travel are one of the largest contributors …
New Rules of Style: Be Authentic
Great style is all about self-expression, so the easiest way to look and feel fa…
Acupuncture: A Cure for Cramps and PMS?
For years, I suffered from cramps and PMS before and during my cycle. After year…
10 Ways to Overcome Jealousy
An envious spirit can affect the health of your brain, stomach, eyes, and heart.…
Cruising into Health: The Holistic Holiday at Sea
Always dreamed of going on a cruise that also nourishes your mind, body and spir…
Video: Getting Kids to Eat Their Veggies
Want your kids to eat more veggies? Melissa Graham, healthy chef and founder of …
Video: The Art of Spirituality
Each year, Chicago's historic Ravenswood neighborhood holds its annual ArtWalk. …
Video: Healthy Snacks for Kids
Want healthier, happier, smarter kids? Then it’s time to take a closer look at t…
A San Francisco Treat: International Orange Yoga + Day Spa
In need of relaxation? On this episode of Conscious Living®, we're treating you …
Video: A Vegan Diner Success Story
As millions of conscious consumers today adopt plant-based diets to heal their b…
Video: Fair Trade Fashion
"Let integrity fashion your character in all walks of life. As it will shape the…
Leaders of the New School: An Evolutionary Education
With the state of the American education system in crisis and the testing levels…
Video: Brooklyn's Urban Oasis
One of my favorite getaways from the hustle and bustle of downtown New York City…
Video: Healthy Beauty Makeover
In need of a makeover? The new season is a perfect time for sporting a fresh loo…
Video: A Peaceful Back to School
As an antidote to Chicago's youth violence crisis, the K.L.E.O. Community Family…
Conscious Laser Eye Surgery? Seeing is Believing
In this short form medical documentary, enjoy a front row seat as I go from "off…
Spiritual Retreat to the City of Angels
On this episode of Conscious Living®, we journey behind the scenes of the glitz …
The Raw Gourmet Experience: Pure Food & Wine
It wasn't until I went on my first 30 day vegan detox that I discovered the joys…
Video: Urban Eco Tourism in Toronto
Looking to travel consciously with a low carbon footprint while still enjoying t…
Video: Surfing into Yoga
As a yoga teacher, regular practice has taught me how to align the body, regulat…
The Best Vegan Hot Dog
The last barbecue I attended, I politely asked the lady of the house (who happen…
Pilates Workout: Strengthen Your Core and Improve Your Posture
I thought I had good posture until my first pilates class in L.A. With its syste…
Video: Can Soul Food Be Healthy?
Growing up African-American in the South, I always relished eating what I consid…
Video: Touched by an Angel
Have you ever come face to face with an angel? Many seekers who visit the energy…
Healthy Summer Recipe: Raw Carrot Ginger Soup
As temperatures heat up, it's a great time to cool down the body and give your d…
Video: The Farmer's Market Difference
With growing season in full swing, farmer's markets provide a healthier alternat…
Video: Toxin-Free Manicure Pedicure
With the warm weather finally here, it's a perfect time to bring your toes out o…
Video: How Much Can You Love?
Spiritual wisdom teaches that it's impossible to love others if you don't love y…
Aquaponics: A Bountiful Yield at Hawaii's Kalani Yoga Retreat
With gardening season upon us, millions of Americans are learning about the joys…
Video: A Holistic Cinco de Mayo
On this episode of Conscious Living, we celebrate Cinco de Mayo the healthy way …
Video: All Hail the Kale Salad
On this episode of Conscious Living TV, check out Vegan Man's latest, a trusted …
Video: Who Made Your Clothes?
While meditation, yoga and walking the spiritual path are fundamental to living …
Video: The Growing Solution to Urban Food Deserts
With the near epidemic of type-2 diabetes, breast cancer and other degenerative …
Video: Vortex Healing at Sedona's Enchantment Resort
Known for its majestic red rocks, healing energy vortexes and spiritual mysticis…
Video: Vegan Pizza
Looking to go vegan but don't want to give up your favorite comfort foods? Then …
Video: Being the Change in a Violent World
During the 20th Century, over 100 million people lost their lives to war — most …
VIDEO: The Meditation Gardens of Self-Realization Fellowship
On this episode, witness spirit and nature dancing together at the meditation ga…
Video: Deepening your Practice with Yoga Teacher Training
Whether you’re new to yoga or an advanced practitioner, enrolling in a teacher t…
VIDEO: The Healing Lavender Fields of Maui
On this episode, we traveled high into the sunny hills of Maui's Upcountry regio…
Video: Sewing Her Prayers
Since the beginning of time, religious aspirants have adorned themselves in beau…
Video: The Ultimate Raw Chocolate Mousse
Is it possible to enjoy a decadent dessert with the health benefits of a superfo…
Video: Healing Waters
"For millennia, spiritual seekers have ventured to healing springs to restore op…
VIDEO: 30 Day Raw Food Detox
Many Eastern doctors recommend cleansing four times per year with the turn of ea…
Video: Go Mercury Free with Holistic Dentistry
For the last 150 years, dentists around the world have placed "silver" mercury a…
Video: True Wellness Clinic
At a time when conventional, symptoms-focused health care is failing many Americ…
Video: Thich Nhat Hanh's Green Monastery
High in the hidden mountains of Escondido, California just outside sunny San Die…