Last May, in order to pursue his dream of an integrated life of travel, writing, and photography, a smart, attractive thirty-something named Zero Dean quit his job, terminated the …
Recently I was listening to my friend Satish Kumar being interviewed on the BBC. Satish is a former Jain monk who defined his life by walking for world peace. With no financial res…
It is odd for someone who is city bred and lactose intolerant to be fascinated by a pastoral tradition that involves mountains, animals, milk, yogurt, and cheese, but there you hav…
Somewhere at the bottom of my purse is a small drawstring bag that holds something precious: a number of small pewter hearts. These little charms — part of Mexican folk religion — …
The old people came literally to love the soil, and they sat or reclined on the ground with a feeling of being close to a mothering power. It was good for the skin to touch the ear…
The First Insight: Fear can close our hearts, shape our emotional life, and freeze our emotions, but the only power that fear has is the power we give to it. We can take that power…
To these perennial questions, I offer some answers — not to close a conversation but to broaden one. I do not claim to know anything you don’t know, but if I can help you remember …
Sally Huss, a Wimbledon semi-finalist and a national champion in her age group, has taught her own brand of Zen tennis. But she is best known as the “artist of happiness,” with che…
The Jerusalem Post recently did a story on Tel Aviv University professor Michael Ovadia, a research specialist who normally focuses on the medicinal properties of snake venom. Seem…
After years of reading scary warnings about our fat intake, many of us prefer not to eat any trans fats in processed foods, but we certainly don’t want to exceed the recommended da…
Growing up in the rather conservative city of Ottawa, Canada, I never felt that I fit in, but I found a niche at fifteen when I discovered alcohol, boys, and dance clubs. My favori…
A few years ago, when I was teaching an undergraduate seminar at Stanford on the psychology of happiness, I had the students put away their books and push their chairs to the side …