I think we are all called to prayer, to talk to our God about what is happening in our lives. When we are worried about life-changing health issues, who better to talk with? If a m…
As philosopher John Locke observed: “New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common.”So, what limits our d…
Andrew McCarthy had seen his share of tattoos, from the “drunken sailor” images to “Friday the 13th specials,” where the tattoo artist chooses the design for a mere 13 dollars. But…
“We are all vibrant beings,” says Mary Bemis, editor of Organic Spa magazine. “And the real beauty behind biodynamic skin care products is that they are the most vibrant, the most …
One afternoon last summer, an official from the Department of Agriculture unexpectedly stopped by Angela Macke’s farm in Leelanau County, Michigan, to give her—believe it or not—an…
“Forbidden” Black Rice Rivals Blueberries in AntioxidantsBlueberries are well known for their high antioxidant levels and disease-fighting properties, but the king of berries has a…
In light of the steady drip, drip, drip of research linking the consumption of dairy products to a variety of life-threatening ailments and diseases it might be prudent to revisit …
As a kid, my hands and feet were a source of quiet shame for me. I was born with what adults kindly referred to as “old soul’s hands,” which in the schoolyard translated to a regul…
Smile, and you’ll experience how the body influences the brain. But how should we think about this relationship? Is a smile an input to the brain or an output from the brain — or b…
In Newsweek last December, science writer Sharon Begley pulled together research showing that lab animals and pets are getting fatter, just like people: “In Macaques, living in res…
A year and a half ago I became obsessed with the size of landfills. (This could be the result of too much time on my hands to simply think about things, but still.) I had seen some…
To these perennial questions, I offer some answers — not to close a conversation but to broaden one. I do not claim to know anything you don’t know, but if I can help you remember …