A Nurse Discovers That Most of Us Don’t Know Which Values Matter Most to Our Parents — or Even OurselvesWhen my mother was dying and we both knew the end was near, we talked late a…
No place is more central to our acts of celebration than the dining room table. As you look forward to the sanctity and promised revelry of the upcoming holidays, allow yourself to…
Here’s the science behind creating a chain reaction of goodnessThough economists and grumps have long argued to the contrary, many spiritual traditions teach us that, at our core, …
Even a first award requires a history. And any history of spiritual spas leads inevitably to the ancient Greek city of Epidaurus and the Temple of Aesculapius. As you may remember,…
We are entering one of the busiest spiritual seasons of the year, so we asked for some special “Roadside Assistance” from Rabbi Rami Shapiro:• What are holy days for?• How should w…
When I was a young student of religions, my first Sanskrit teacher, Nandini, with her ever-mirthful air of serenity, lured her entire class headlong into the tangled jungle of that…
Why in the last of days does it feel the first—why is the rain always new, a ‘latter rain’?The baby’s name is Phoenix and her flameis better than the ash we visit andrevisit. Last …
Can we glimpse the future? Is there any truth to people’s belief in premonitions? Such provocative questions have largely been ignored by scientists, many of whom argue that claims…
I practice the Nia Technique, a dynamic fusion of moves from dance, martial arts, and healing arts that integrates body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The workout leaves me drenched …
As modern science continues to unravel the complexity of virus behavior on a cellular level in humans, cold sufferers should be reminded that the Chinese medical system has success…
In the 1990s I spent many happy years living in a beautiful apartment overlooking the River Thames in London. Then, in the summer of ’96, everything came crashing down. After findi…
Why is the smartest, most adaptable creature on the planet hardwired to stop talking, lose its sense of self, and feel at one with the world — in a profound state of listening?The …