Stressed Out? Scared? Taking Yourself Too Seriously?
Forget feathers, bones, and beads. Most shamans dress normally and carry no magic objects. In these exercises you are asked to play. Try the trickster way of tinkering with your li…Shaking Medicine
In November of 1881, a Squaxin Indian logger from Puget Sound named John Slocum became sick and soon was pronounced dead. As he lay covered with sheets, friends proceeded to conduc…The Healing Practice of Confession
When my mother was dying of cancer, I became acutely aware of the gaps and barriers in our relationship. One night, lost in a turbulent sea of emotion, I sat down at the dining roo…Getting Used to Stuff: A Conversation with Daniel Gottlieb
“Thank God for GPS,” sighs psychologist, family therapist, radio host, and author Daniel Gottlieb, rolling into the Jewish Community Center in Bridgewater, New Jersey. If it were p…The Soundtrack of Healing
Outside the main entrance to the 80-acre campus of Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center in Lafayette, Colorado, the air is filled with the sweet serenade of chirping bobwhites and…Empowered by the Sacred
An Invocation"Rise and place your hands on your heart. Bow your head to your heart and in doing so, bow your mind, bow your intelligence, bow your ego, to the presence of the Livin…Beyond the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
About fifteen years ago, Robert E. Thayer, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at California State University Long Beach and author of the recent book The Origin of Everyday Moods (Ox…A Mind-Altering Message
One of the key words in the New Testament is metanoia, usually translated as "repentance" and giving rise to neurotic concerns about sin and self-reproach. But the Greek word meta …2004 June
Surprised by Grace
How often are you startled by afresh spiritual awareness — a simple and unexpected new metaphor for your life journey? Discover 'nested meditation’ and experience how wordplay can open your soul.
Meal Magic: Setting the Tamada-Flavored Table
One of my most memorable meals wasn't an actual meal; rather, it was a dining experience cradled in hospitality, friendship, and good, simple food. The place: the patio of a friend…Should Non-Natives Practice Indigenous Religions?
Seekers in the West hunger to learn from indigenous spiritual teachers, but what are the politics and ethics of taking on and changing the traditions of others?