Virtue Fatigue: The Anatomy of Temptation
Consider the classic recipe for seduction: chocolates, dinner, wine, dessert, dancing. Ever wonder why it works? Now a series of psychological experiments led by Mark Muravan at Ca…Practicing the Art of Trying with a 28-Year Comeback at the Olympic Trials
The time is 6:39 p.m. at the Olympic Rowing Center at Lake Mercer, New Jersey. The first race of the National Selection Regatta for the 2008 U.S. Olympic Rowing Team will start in …How to Identify Your Final Cause and Become the Hero of Your Own Great Myth
A traveler meets three bricklayers and asks each what he’s doing. The first mutters, “Working for a buck.” The second states, “Making a wall.” The third proclaims, “Building a scho…Cooperative Evolution: Why the Human Species Will Finally Grow Up
At the age of 43, Elisabet Sahtouris, an evolution biologist with a doctorate in brain science, quit her job at PBS, sold her car, house, and stuff, and moved to a tiny island in t…2004 October
Finding Your Soul
At birth we each receive our own unique spiritual DNA, but life soon separates us from our true selves. Here’s a path toward wholeness.
Five Things We Cannot Change
Reinhold Niebuhr, an American Protestant theologian, composed a prayer that has become the cornerstone of the recovery movement: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I c…Living Deeply
Humans have always been fascinated by the possibility of a "larger reality." Especially in times of transition -- a sudden illness, a failed relationship, the death of a loved one,…Anatomy of a Quantum Change
What we call a "quantum change" is a vivid, surprising, benevolent, and enduring personal transformation. Some quantum changes are insightful, an "aha!" that leaves a person breath…2000 Spring
Casting Light on the Pitfalls of 21st-Century Spirituality
As in all centuries, people in the 21st century look to the spiritual for meaning and virtue in daily life; they use spiritual practice to peer beyond the mortality of the body into the eternity of the soul. The big difference between the older forms of spirituality and 21st-Century Spirituality is the movement away from an external authority figure and a movement toward an empowerment of each seeker.
2003 August
The Power of the Pause Tara Brach
When a bull stops and finds querencia -- his place of safety -- he becomes truly dangerous. Yet in the arena of human relationships, this pause, this place of safety, is where healing begins.