Peggy Callahan co-founded Free the Slaves, one of the leading anti-slavery organizations on the planet, and set about building a movement in a world where many people still believe…
“Do it for them.” These are the words that Lisa Kristine, humanitarian photographer, had written on her hand as she approached the stage about to give a talk to a large audience on…
Several years ago, film student Christopher Smith saw a magazine cover that caught his eye. The auspicious image — a smiling Washingtonian named Dee Williams, relaxing in her 84-sq…
Every mental or emotional pattern of energy has a respiratory rhythm. Changing your respiration is one of the quickest and easiest ways to influence patterns in the body. Breathe l…
Recognized by the World Health Organization as the most common chronic disease of our species, iron-deficiency harms two billion people worldwide and kills as many as 4,000 America…
When Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle in 1906, readers were exposed to the horrible abuse of those who worked in the meat-packing industry. The book changed how the country thought …
A dear friend of mine recently succumbed to emphysema. Before he became ill, he’d been a scholar and a poet and a social activist. He’d had a passion for beauty in all its myriad f…
Whether we wish to treat wrinkles or serious ailments, the future of medicine may well be heavily influenced by ancient folk remedies. Scientists from London’s Kingston University,…
I had a dream the other night in which I found myself in the house where I grew up: a very modest bungalow in a neighborhood where most of the wage-earners worked in an automobile …
In 1991, a group of civic planners from New York City, Boston, and Washington DC came together with a concept for a hard-surface trail system connecting their three cities. The tra…
In our quest for wholeness, we often try to make up for our internal emptiness by seeking completion in another. Many of us have taken this to an extreme, believing that fulfillmen…