The United Nations World Health Organization calculates that one billion people worldwide do not have access to safe drinking water. This lack of water and the consequential poor h…
Whether it’s Adam and Eve, Adam and Adam, or Eve and Eve, neuroscience suggests that once we choose to create a life with another person, that person becomes the most significant o…
The Australian Bureau of Statistics notes that the number of people living on their own could double within 25 years. In Great Britain, more people than ever are living alone, and …
Feeling down? Feeling depressed? Or maybe you’re feeling so smug that your friends would rather you were more down and depressed? If any of these descriptions fit your state of min…
Not only do your happy feelings spread through your social network, your happiness can be increased by people you’ve never even met, reports a study from Harvard Medical School.Har…
DARK CHOCOLATE PROTECTS THE HEARTIt takes surprisingly little dark chocolate to protect the heart against the risk of heart disease — 6.7 grams of this sweet indulgence a day to be…
A photo of a smiling face on your refrigerator door doesn’t just remind you of the good old days — it can actually help you lose weight!Surrounding yourself with happy photos, memo…
Wine lovers will certainly recognize terroir as the enigmatic French term for soil, topography, climate, and other natural (and supernatural) traits of a particular vineyard. In fa…
hen study participants at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore listened to music that brought them a sense a joy, the inner lining of their blood vessels bega…
What should we do when we’re upset or depressed? Should we analyze our feelings to figure out what’s wrong, or should we just forget about them and move on? Opinions differ, but ne…
The total distraction of an addictive video game like Tetris may have a surprising health benefit: preventing post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.Emily Holmes, Ph.D. and Cather…
Scientists tell us that humans and wolves began to cooperate with each other for the simple reason that they shared the same habitat and hunted the same prey. But what started as e…