A growing number of American farmers are sharpening their plant research and botany skills in an attempt to resurrect long-lost vegetable and fruit varieties. All of which is excit…
While some chefs belong to culinary think tanks or attend creative recipe-writing workshops in venues like Bologna or San Sebastian, most of the world’s top restaurant chefs need n…
Someone who has momentarily lost con-fidence in her intelligence may be more likely to purchase a pen than a candy bar, suggests a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. Wh…
Three years ago Martha Farah, director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania, discovered that the working memory of children raised in poverty …
If you want to help speed the recovery of a hospital patient who’s had surgery, bring a flowering plant, preferably a potted plant, suggests a recent study by the Department of Hor…
Consider this: a new study by Vetenskapsrådet, the Swedish Research Council, reports that a “simulated” acupuncture treatment, using a telescopic blunt placebo needle that merely t…
The cesarean rate in the United States hit an all-time high of 31 percent in 2006, a record likely to stand only until figures are released for 2007, and then only until new number…
Normally, when it comes to clothing used for a religious rite, you think of robes, a miter, a tallit (or prayer shawl), and perhaps a head scarf.Here is what I wore to honor Guan Y…
Spiritualist healer John of God calls thousands to the Omega Institute each year. How did an illiterate farmer with no medical training become such a beacon?In the spring of 2001, …
One Man’s Adventure Planning His Own Natural BurialOld Arctic Inuit hunters could supposedly sit for days, harpoon poised and ready to strike, just staring at a hole on an otherwis…
An Interview with Gangaji and Eli Jaxon BearOn July 17, 1896, a sixteen-year-old in India had a sudden experience of liberation that led him to renounce his own name, his family, h…
My wife, Amy, arrived with Patrick Dale Sutherland, our newly adopted 14-month-old son from Zambia, on Sunday, April 26. She had been in Zambia for 14 weeks. Zambia is a peaceful c…