At Naropa, the arts university “dedicated to advancing contemplative education” in Boulder, Colorado, students in the Master of Divinity program are anywhere from 20-something to 6…
Last month we received this invitation from columnist Peggy La Cerra:Dear friends,Last Thursday, my beloved fur girl, Spooky, went into the wilds and never returned. She and her br…
INDEPENDENCE STEMS FROM INTERDEPENDENCE: Unable to drive due to a foot problem emanating from my lower back, I found that to get to my psychotherapy practice, support group, or the…
LOW-CARB DIETS MAKE PEOPLE STUPIDA study from the psychology department at Tufts University showed that dieters who drastically reduced or eliminated carbohydrates from their meals…
Dave Undis is a retired insurance executive with a passion for helping people to live longer and the ability to look at hard numbers. He notes that 100,000 Americans need organ tra…
A couple of centuries ago, nostalgia — the wistful, sentimental yearning for a person close to us, for a significant life event, or for a place important to us — was dubbed a medic…
Imagine that you can change the way you think, just by changing the way your body moves. If this sounds hard to believe, consider this: In a study, researchers at the University of…
In our July issue we reported on studies by Martha Farah, director for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania, demonstrating that children raised in poverty tend …
In a research project at the University of London, volunteers were asked to listen to 15-second snippets of music before judging the emotional content of faces. The results were re…
Cassandra Vieten, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and the co-director of the Mind-Body Medicine Research Group at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. Becoming…
The first time I saw him in Guatemala, he was sitting on a chair in a native marketplace, dressed in a black suit, black shoes, and black hat. His mouth was open, shaped into a sma…
Like most great scientific breakthroughs, the discovery of the human mirror neuron system (MNS) was a complete accident. What may end up being the most important neuroscientific di…