2009 November/December
Injustice in a Group Boosts Willingness to Volunteer
Research from New York University suggests a counter intuitive notion: A sense of unfairness can actually increase volunteerism. Why? It turns out that when people who strongly ide…2009 November/December
When You Need Something, Talk to the Right Ear!
Here’s an odd fact: The human right ear is typically dominant when it comes to listening to verbal stimuli, probably because the brain’s left hemisphere is better at processing ver…2009 November/December
Why “The Star-Spangled Banner” Makes Sports More Violent
Over the last decade, one of the most fascinating areas of research in psychological science has been the study of “priming” behavior. Social scientists found, for example, that a …2009 November/December
How Much of Aging Is in Your Head?
In 1979 a young Harvard psychology professor named Ellen Langer (soon to be played by Jennifer Aniston in Counter Clockwise) realized something astonishing — and true. “Without kno…2009 November/December
The Ways of the Pilgrim
Actually walking 500 miles to Santiago de Compostela proved “a demented delusion.” But “the Camino” also serves those who sit and those who wait — upon others.