Give For Good: The Last-Minute Philanthropist
Where would the world be without the great work of non-profits: from programs designed to bolster musical education and slow climate change to organizations protecting basic freedo…Newtown Shootings: If God Exists, Why Do Terrible Things Happen?
My email flooded with questions from readers this weekend regarding the shootings in Portland, Oregon and Newtown, Conneticut. As always, I offer answers not to close a conversatio…2013 January/February
Anne Lamott: Life as a Black-Belt Codependent
The best-selling author of Bird by Bird and Operating Instructions reflects on her latest book, Help, Thanks, Wow, and the challenge of accepting love in a culture of arm’s-length perfection.
2012 November/December
Can Religion Save the Planet?
Unleashing the power of their faith on tough environmental problems, today’s “ecovangelists” ask: Can religion save the planet, or will the planet save religion?
Soaking Grains: The Healthy Secret For Holiday Baking
How soaking grains can make your holiday baking traditions much healthier.
Be Here Now: How to Find Peace in This Moment
Since I’ve been practicing and teaching One-Moment Meditation, I pepper my day with lots of moments of re-centering and checking in with myself, clearing my mind of whatever I’ve p…2012 November/December
Brené Brown: How Vulnerability Holds the Key to Emotional Intimacy
And shame sabotages our desire for closeness.
3 Essential Practices for Gratitude
Experience more fullness of heart with these exercises embracing gratitude as a spiritual practice.
2012 November/December
Pilgrimage to India with MC Yogi
Bhakti-hop innovator MC Yogi travels to India for an unwitting spiritual chiropractic adjustment—and artistic inspiration for his newest musical offering.