6 Ways to Get the Most Out Of a Group Fitness Class
If your resolution involved fitness, you’ll want to know how to make the most of your group classes this year!
2013 March/April
The Stubborn Gladness of Elizabeth Gilbert
Before Eat, Pray, Love was a movie and a travel tour, it was a memoir by the award-winning writer Elizabeth Gilbert, whose story of losing and finding herself resonates with just a…2013 January/February
Lend a Hand: How Helping Others Makes You Healthier
Study after study confirms that altruism not only makes us happier but actually improves our health. Yet we see a stranger’s struggle and still pass by.
How to Live Your Truth Every Day
The most meaningful thing for me is to live my truth. To know that I’m living what I value, I’m doing things I believe in, and I’m doing them now rather than waiting. And to know t…2013 January/February
The Second Coming of Psychedelics
The times, they are a'changin'—explore how psychedelic medicines have found popularity in the 21st century.
2014 January/February
51 Meditations for Tending the Heart Fire
Find your flow with these “micro meditations” for renewal, connection, and inner strength.
2013 January/February
Should Public Schools Teach Religion to Kids?
Reader question: My kids are in a public elementary school that teaches them about religion. I’m concerned about this. What if anything should public schools teach our children abo…2013 January/February
How Urban Gardening Makes Cities Safer
Cleaning up and greening up urban blight—neighbors working together to turn the site of a demolished building into a community garden or park—has become the feel-good story of urba…2013 January/February
Two New Books for Finding Real Joy in Relationships
Two new books in the field of positive psychology show us how to find real-life joy in our relationships.
2012 November/December
A Purr for Help: How A Rescued Cat Opened My Heart
Nearly broke and pessimistic about the world, journalist Jane Ganahl heart and mind were opened by one abandoned cat.
7 Great New Ways to Rethink Mint
Think beyond garnish for desserts and drinks: this humble herb can punch up everything from fresh juices to pesto.