2013 July/August
Chart Your Own Course for Healing
When grief left her adrift, Jennifer Ewing found solace in spirit boats.
2013 July/August
Questions for Ram Dass
When you describe your first encounter with your guru, Neem Karoli Baba, the writing is so vivid, you seem to be reliving the experience. Does the encounter come to life anew each …2013 July/August
Easing the Angst of Adolescence
Practicing mindfulness can help teens cope with the pressures of growing up—and even ward off symptoms of depression.
2013 July/August
Rabbi Shefa Gold: Giving Voice to Sacred Texts
The author of The Magic of Hebrew Chant, Rabbi Shefa Gold is also a recording artist and the director of the Center for Devotional, Energy and Ecstatic Practice in New Mexico. She…Waiting (Gracefully) for Love
In church, I am surrounded by couples. It seems everyone but me and a few other women are snuggled up to someone, even though it’s ninety degrees out, and our building has no air …2013 July/August
The Commons: Mother Tongue
Half of the world’s languages could vanish by the end of the century. With each one we lose part of humanity’s story.
2013 July/August
Star Voyagers
In his next journey across the Pacific, Hawaiian navigator Nainoa Thompson will chart a course for sustainability.
2013 July/August
Natural Medicine: GMO Foods, Migraine Relief, and Building Bone Collagen
I keep hearing I should drink kombucha. Is it really as healthful as people claim?Dr. Michael Murray: Kombucha is a fermented drink made with tea, sugar, and a glob of yeast and b…2013 July/August
When Pines Are Divine
A six-year Japanese program preserves thousands of Shinto shrines and woodlands.
The 10 Breaths Practice
Excerpted from Ten Breaths to Happiness: Touching Life in Its Fullness, by Glen Schneider