The Do No Harm Diet
Embrace the core of a bodhisattva experience: spreading joy both inside and out.
Into the Heart of Kabbalah
In my year with a rabbi, I learned that kabbalah is about wrestling with the complex and paradoxical nature of life. It’s confusing, but in essence, it’s about making the mundane holy.
A Zen Master's Guide to the Bible
A short introduction to the world’s first Buddhist Bible study group.
The Real Roots of Vengeance and Forgiveness
To become more forgiving, we first need to understand why we crave revenge.
The Creation of I
From a radical new understanding of depression, a neuroscientist explains how to make our lives happier and holier.
The Breath of Life and Death
“These heart-stopping moments lasted a few months. Although only given a few weeks to live, he endured incredible pain, suffering, and even hung onto the slightest bit of hope, because he wanted to see me walk across that stage to receive my diploma.”