
To the Yes in the Wind--A Poem

To the Yes in the Wind--A Poem

Getty Images/JosuOzkaritz

A Celebrant looks at the present moment, liminal as it may be, and still says yes.

Change is in the wind.

We sense something

just around the corner

but we’re not sure

what vista might be revealed.

Uncertainty abounds

and dreams are often

disturbed with unease and angst

and the impending outcomes are,

at best, opaque.

We are unsettled with the “What if?”s

and the “Should I?”s,

and we are steeping

in a deep vat of just not knowing.

Tucked into this liminal space of Between,

the mounting sense that

a big change is coming.

Is it good or is it bad?

As always, the answer is “yes.”

And in this answer,

a choice to channel gratitude

through this new, unchartered path

of a Beginning.

May we let the marvel

of the moment flow unconstricted.

May we let the wonder

of the not knowing rejuvenate us.

May we remember that it is not

in the “what happens next”

that matters most

but in what we do

with the matters of our “Happens”.

May we seize the Change

that rides in this current wind

and transform it into Soul.

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The Celebrant Foundation and Institute is the preeminent, global online institute teaching and certifying people to be a Life-Cycle Celebrant®, who are modern-day personalized ceremony professionals.

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