
Moving Toward Spiritual Stamina

Moving Toward Spiritual Stamina


The path for building your spiritual stamina toward planetary leadership and moving forward in world service is simple—but not always easy. Here are seven steps forward.

Our time has come; the light is before us...

Like so many others, I am holding a light for Light to shine again. For long enough, I have experienced humanity walking an uphill climb slowly shedding our wounds, releasing karma, stumbling a bit, and occasionally being helped up by another seeker. We walk in search of truth, integrity, healing, and, for many, ascension.

We’ve come to this pivotal point on humanity’s path to usher in a new era. Many are called—and few chosen to hold the veil back. Those who are chosen have developed a spiritual stamina to complete their missions in service to both Spirit and humanity.

The journey has not been easy, with an emphasis on the past few years of hardship accompanied by tremendous pain and confusion. Our faith has been tested, our strength challenged.

How can one build their spiritual stamina toward planetary leadership to move forward in world service? The path is simple, but not always easy. It is inspiring, and the rewards are worth every step. I know because I am walking the steps too.

Many people tell me they don’t know where to start or what to do. The answer I give them is to surrender. Go to the quiet still place that is in your heart and open your field to the spiritual beings waiting for the invitation to assist.

Your part is to do the work with daily discipline. Your invitation is to be the disciple.

Here are seven steps toward spiritual stamina:

  1. Self-care, including healing across many lifetimes is a priority.
  2. Pray and meditate daily from a place of surrender.
  3. Service to others—nothing is too small a gesture.
  4. Practice constant personal and spiritual discipline toward enlightenment.
  5. Focus toward ascension—from the mundane to the extraordinary.
  6. Transcend the 3D world to the multidimensional world of mastership.
  7. Step into planetary leadership by example.
We can succeed because we are not alone on this journey. Spirit has met us on the path and success is guaranteed.

We are called to awaken and contribute to the coming age of Aquarius. I believe in humanity and the optimism that is picking up speed across America and the world. I feel the hearts that are opening and the relief that is on the horizon. Love will prevail.

Each one of us has a unique puzzle piece from which to serve the world. We cannot take on the purpose of another, and we must not abandon our own. Instead, trust the Universe: The Masters and Angelic realm know your best and highest potential and are ready to infuse you with inspiration and support. Our task is to surrender to our path and purpose, to give of our hearts and minds to the great mystery that is unfolding.

We are all facing new challenges. You may need help to understand, heal and integrate the guidance offered here. The shift is simple, but it may not be easy to begin. Please reach out to us at Compass Rose Healing Arts to connect and heal, either on-site or remotely. We are here to serve. We honor you and your life path.

Read about why we are all called to contribute to our new world.

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We are in a time of heightened polarities. This is not a new normal, but it is a closure to a Piscean Age that is preceding the incoming Aquarian Age.

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