
A New Moon Ceremony for Abundance

A New Moon Ceremony for Abundance

Getty/ taeya18

The new moon in Capricorn is a potent time for setting intentions. Create space for this abundance ritual on the last new moon of this decade.

The new moon is the time of the month when we look up at the night sky and there appears to be nothing. No moon, just a dark sky filled with stars. But where there appears to be nothing, there is actually the potential for everything.

During this time of the month, we have the opportunity to go within and experience a blank slate. The new moon is a time of infinite possibilities. When we tap into this energy, we have the ability to harness it to set intentions for manifesting our dreams and creating positive shifts in our lives. The final new moon of 2019 also happens to be the final new moon of the decade. It is an opportunity to tap into a blank slate not only for the month, and year to come, but also for the next decade.

This powerful new moon will take place at 9:13pm PST on December 25th through 12:13am EST on December 26th.

The new moon always falls in the same sign as the sun, which means that this New Moon falls in Capricorn. This Capricorn new moon is all about creating clarity, setting goals, and calling in abundance. It offers the opportunity to identify the next mountain you are ready to climb, so that you can set intentions for an effortless elevation that will allow you to to achieve your goals.

As you prepare for this new moon, ask yourself: What does abundance mean to you and what types of abundance do you want to call in for 2020 as well as for the next decade? This new moon ritual will help you to gain clarity in your vision and lock in powerful intentions for manifesting abundance.

Capricorn New Moon Abundance Ritual:

What you will need:

  • A piece of paper 
  • A pen or pencil 
  • Frankincense oil
  • A bowl of water
  • A white candle and matches (a fake candle will work too)
  • Rosemary (fresh or dried)
  • Crystals: Peacock Ore, Clear Quartz, Amethyst 
  1. To prepare for the ritual, create an altar by arranging your crystals around the candle and sprinkling some rosemary leaves around the unlit candle. (Do not light the candle yet.)  
  2. Place a bowl of water in front of your altar and pour in 3 drops of Frankincense oil. Frankincense represents abundance and devotion to your highest truths. 
  3. Place one drop of frankincense oil on your hands, close your eyes and rub your palms together. Pay attention to your breath and notice the rich smell of the frankincense. When your hands are warm, place them on your heart. Take three deep breaths and feel your heart soften and open. 
  4. Meditate for one minute on the word abundance. Open yourself to abundance in all of its many forms. Think of three types of abundance you would like to call in to your life (i.e., prosperity, love, opportunities, time, energy, etc). Allow images to come to mind. 
  5. Write down the three types of abundance you would like to call in. 
  6. Close your eyes again and imagine a white light in your heart. Ask the light to illuminate three goals for the next month, year, and decade. 
  7. Write down the following:
    In the next month I am calling in
    In the next year I am calling in
    In the next decade I am calling in:

8. Light the candle and gaze into the flame.* As you gaze into the light, feel these goals in your heart as though they are already so. Imagine seeing them manifest, as if you are watching a movie unfold before your eyes. 

  1. Take a pinch of rosemary, and as you sprinkle it into the bowl of water, read your goal for the next month aloud, and then state: “I am open and willing to receive these blessings of abundance in my life.”  
  2. Take another pinch of rosemary, and as you sprinkle it into the bowl of water, read your goal for the next year aloud, and then state: “I am open and willing to receive these blessings of abundance in my life.”  
  3. Take another pinch of rosemary, and as you sprinkle it into the bowl of water, read your goal for the next decade aloud, and then state: “I am open and willing to receive  these blessings of abundance in my life.”  
  4. State: “And so it is.” Close your eyes and feel gratitude in your heart for the abundance and goals you have set, imagining that they have already come true.  
  5. Blow out the candle and place your written intentions underneath the bowl of water overnight. 

Rituals are a powerful way of setting intentions, creating positive change, and bringing magic into your life. If you feel called to expand upon any of the above or would like to incorporate your own favorite crystals or magical touches, go for it! This ritual is your own personal experience, and the more you can have fun with it the more powerful the magic will be. Be sure to also do some journaling the following morning and in the days following this ritual. Open your heart and watch the abundance unfold!

**Please always be careful when working with an open flame. Only light a candle when you are in close proximity and are watching the candle, in case of fire. Keep candles away from small children and flammable substances. Use caution when burning any candle, never leave a fire unattended.**

To help center yourself, try this new moon guided meditation.

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