Marketplace March/April 2019


Books, services, education and products that are sustainable and environmentally friendly.

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Shamanistic Healing Services

Professional Lightworker & Shaman. Holistic Spiritual Healings

Dr. August Lagemen specializes in clearing negative energy with Illumination, and through Extractions that remove entities, demons, poltergeists, and curses, in Soul Retrievals that renew your soul, in Land, Home and Office clearings, and in Animal Healing. He's a retired Colonel of the U.S. Army Reserves and has a Ph.D in Philosophy and Psychology from St. Mary's University in Maryland.
7 days a week, 8a.m. to 8p.m. EST 

Crystal Heart Healing

Akashic Certified Consultant

Christopher Barham

Christopher can assist individuals, as well as team and business leaders with a wide range of Akashic healing and guidance. For example, life purpose, pain reduction, emotional-mental clarity, transforming frustrating patterns, house or land clearing, pet concerns, business decisions, dis-ease processes.
819.708.5876 | [email protected] 

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How To Heal Yourself From Anxiety When No One Else Can

Heal From Anxiety: A Groundbreaking Approach

This remarkable book offers a dynamic method for addressing anxiety in an entirely new way. It's full of hands-on techniques and guidance that illustrate one profound truth: that permanent and complete healing is possible. From Amy B. Scher, author of the bestselling How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can. 

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Energy Wellness for your Pet

A Subtle Energy Companion For Better Bonding, Health & Happiness

"A well-written, inspiring look into the subtle energies of our pets and how we can work with this energy to understand our animal friends...Cyndi speaks from the heart and shares personal stories that teach through example and will deeply affect you."—Melissa Alvarez, author of Animal Frequency

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The Great Book of Essenian & Egyptian Therapies

Sacred Worlds Publishing

This book shares the secret art of Essenian & Egyptian Therapies. Hidden for thousands of years, these therapies are now revealed to promote optimum health and harmonious balance of the whole being. THE GREAT BOOK is a must-read for all bodyworkers looking to deepen and expand their practice. It is the most complete guide to the Subtle Anatomy with simple and well-illustrated treatments. 

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The Sharing Journal

A Guide to Better Communication

Filled with questions about yourself, your partner and your relationship as a whole in a fun engaging and thought provoking way. After each filling out your own copy, you swap to read each other’s answers! This inevitably leads to meaningful dialogue promoting stronger emotional intimacy.

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Full Permission Living

The Journey from 3rd to 5th Dimensional Consciousness

Full Permission Living is a full-spectrum, holistic approach to healing and self- actualization at the human level, but moreso, it is an approach to living life as it is inherently meant to be lived, from the template designed and created by our souls at the highest level. With topics devoted to consciousness and the fifth dimension, the spiritual seeker will learn a lot from this book. 


Health Intuitive & Spiritualist

You Are Totally Unique, On A Unique Journey, With Unique Energy.

Every person has an aura and complex energy fields that contain a vast amount of information about your body and spiritual path. While scanning your fields, channeling your Soul’s highest template and purpose, I receive details about misalignments, weaknesses and imbalances. Healing strategies and remedies are tailored to you.

Amanda Romania

Amanda Romania

Communicate with Your Higher Self, Reclaim Your Spiritual Gifts and Life Purpose, Unlock Your Akashic Records

Akashic records oracle and proprietor of the Atlantis metaphysical center in Sedona. For spiritual life coaching and destiny guidance, visit our website.

[email protected]

In the Footsteps of the Bodhisattvas - book cover

A Buddhist Retreat in Assisi, Italy

June 23 - 30, 2019

This contemplative retreat, held in a former monastery, is based on the teachings of the 8th century Buddhist sage Shantideva, and the life of St. Francis of Assisi. The schedule includes meditation, brief presentations, and excursions to the city of Assisi and other pilgrimage sites.

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