
Immunity Spice Blend for Autumn

Immunity Spice Blend for Autumn

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This mix combines zesty warming spices that boost aroma, flavor, healing wisdom, and most importantly, the fire in your foods, your belly, your life.

Agni is the Sanskrit word for fire. In Ayurveda, it is a word generally used to describe our digestive fire. Agni digests and assimilates the nutrients in our food, and supports the organs of elimination, including the colon, skin, liver and kidneys, to move waste out of our body. Agni is like a little potbelly stove at the center of our “body-house” - the central engine - powering not only our digestion, but also immunity, vitality, radiance, energy, and clarity of mind.

In the northern hemisphere, as autumn advances bringing colder darker days, we must keep our Agni strong for the warmth and digestion that optimizes immune function.

This Immunity Spice Mix combines zesty warming spices that boost aroma, flavor, healing wisdom, and most importantly, the fire in your foods, your belly, your life.



3 parts ground turmeric
3 parts ground ginger
3 parts ground coriander
2 parts ground fennel
1 part ground cumin
1 part ground cinnamon
1 part ground black pepper


Mix spices together thoroughly. Store in an airtight container. Use within one month.

Vata Dosha: Add a hearty dash of pink salt, and a teaspoon of sesame seed.

Pitta Dosha: Replace cumin and black pepper with dried mint and cardamom.

Kapha Dosha: Add an additional 1/2 part clove, cayenne or red pepper.

Suggested Use

When cooking into your meals, sauté a teaspoon of the Immunity Spice Mix in melted ghee or coconut oil before adding your vegetables, rice, or grains.

As a morning tea, it will rev up your system, encouraging circulation. Taken with meals, it aids digestion. Add a splash of lemon juice and a touch of honey and sip warm.

As an afternoon tea, stir with boiled almond milk, and add a dash of cardamom. You can also add it to smoothies with a couple of dates and a knob of coconut oil.

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