Marketplace May/Jun 2018


Books, services, education and products that are sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Book Cover

Finally, Relief From Chronic Headaches

Self-Care Program for Headache and Migraine Relief and Prevention

Jan Mundo has been healing headaches, including migraines, for more than forty- five years. Her powerful, personalized, and multifaceted method offers healing to readers who want to get off the medical merry-go-round. With inspirational narratives, questionnaires, and tracking tools, this handbook offers hope for a headache-free future.

Book cover

The Great Book of Essenian & Egyptian Therapies

Sacred Worlds Publishing

This book shares the secret art of Essenian & Egyptian Therapies. Hidden for thousands of years, these therapies are now revealed to promote optimum health and harmonious balance of the whole being. THE GREAT BOOK is a must-read for all bodyworkers looking to deepen and expand their practice. It is the most complete guide to the Subtle Anatomy with simple and well-illustrated treatments. 

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The Portal of Elves

Sacred Worlds Publishing

A true tale of harmony and freedom between lifetimes and realms, THE PORTAL OF ELVES uncovers the world of elves and how it is interconnected to the human world.

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Autobiography of a Yogi

Self-Realization Fellowship

Paramahansa Yogananda’s life story is a spiritual journey of love and enlightenment that has inspired millions. Long considered a classic, this book reveals the unifying truths behind Eastern and Western religious traditions, and introduces Kriya Yoga meditation as a tool for personal transformation.

Card Decks


Movement Meditation

HuMandalas are a guided movement meditation for groups to get in sync with other people & nature using intentional connection, toning & visualization. HuMandalas Cards & App will guide your group through this peaceful, family friendly activity. Download the App & Buy the Card Deck.

book cover

Turbocharge Your Metabolism for Lifelong Health

8 Weeks to a New You

Dr. Pankaj Vij distills a mass of medical research into a simple, e ective program for vibrant health. By following his evidence- based methods, you can manage diabetes, avoid related metabolic conditions, lose weight, and live a healthier, happier life with energy to spare.

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Marina de Nadous

The Celestial Sea Voyages

This is the epic tale of an English housewife and an artistic Kiwi man who find themselves embracing life in the Southern Hemisphere in the most unexpected and extraordinary way. The tranquility and spiritual beauty of their imaginary boat, The Celestial Sea, increases in importance as the intense love-story unfolds. This is the story your soul has been waiting for. Who thought a romantic epic would turn out to be self-help therapy?

Book Cover

Enlightenment On Main Street

A Memoir In Prose And Poetry With An Ordinary Westerner

Enlightenment is for everyone—that is the teaching that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi brought to all with Transcendental Meditation® technique. Here is a simple yet powerful memoir of a 40+ year meditation practitioner told with topical snapshots into the journey through higher states of consciousness. Gregg Valenzuela, M.D. is a practicing Gastroenterologist in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Moonrise Books

Profile silhouette with tree

Atlantic University

Transformative, Inspired, Mindful.

Promote peace and well-being in your community with a Master of Arts in Transpersonal Psychology. No GRE required. Completely online program. Questions? Contact Us. | 800.428.1512 

Book cover

Teachings from Tibet

Guidance from Great Lamas

In this life, if we try to help others as much as we can and have as few selfish thoughts as possible, we shall experience much happiness.

Read more from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lama Yeshe, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and other great Buddhist lamas on our website for FREE.


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