
Soulmates: From the Beginning of Time

Soulmates: From the Beginning of Time

Sponsored Content from Tammy Adams, Intuitive Life Coach & Spiritual Healer

Photo Courtesy of the Sponsor

Since the beginning of time, until the end of time, and all the days of our lives, our creator has wanted us to have love, completion, truth and joy. To love is one of the most powerful experiences that has ever existed! That is a fact! It can bring you to life or kill your spirit! People do not understand why Soulmates are so significant or why they exist. We are here to experience true love from our Soulmates.

A Soulmate is the one who is created specifically for you! One who is created at the very beginning of your first lifetime. That person is created for you so that you can have love, passion, happiness, harmony, peace, abundance, and true fulfillment in everything and in every way that you can imagine. A Soulmate is the one you have a connection and link with throughout your lives. Whether you connect with your Soulmate every lifetime doesn’t matter (depending on your past karmic debts). You will always feel a connection and a desire towards your Soulmate. You and your Soulmate will always have this magnetic energy. This magnetic energy constantly wanting to connect and have this automatic clinging together.

Soulmates vs Twin Flames

People often get Soulmates and Twin Flames mixed up. A Twin Flame is a love relationship you had in a past life. Most people feel they were meant to be with their Twin Flame because this relationship is so familiar and on fire sexually. You feel a connection in this relationship. A Twin Flame is a lustful relationship which is focused on healing karmic energy from your past life. A Twin Flame always has to do with past life karma. Always! There is a sense of familiarity where you feel connected with each

other. There is a feeling of complete desire of wanting to be with this person, a feeling of passion, but there is also this feeling of something is seriously wrong. And that something that’s seriously wrong is some type of karmic debt that is due from your previous life of being together. That is what a Twin Flame is all about.

How do you know if you’re with your Soulmate?

When you are with your Soulmate there is nothing that you do not know about each other. There is a constant knowing. Reading each other’s minds, reading each other’s actions, being on the same page in every area: emotionally, spiritually, desires, dreams, etc. You have a lot in common. It is like a mirror, however at the same time there is a bit of opposite energy. That small bit of opposite energy is significant because you both will simultaneously help to encourage and grow one another. When you are with your Soulmate, you feel satisfied. You feel as though you are complete. Your Soulmate is going to love you inside and out. They are going to feel this attraction to you and are just going to want to hold you and never let you go. Soulmates are one of the most powerful and amazing gifts that we can have on this planet. Not money, not some type of material thing, not bank accounts, and not things that are superficial or tied to popularity. None of that can ever compare to a Soulmate. For a Soulmate to be a part of your life path is something that is so necessary.

Having a Soulmate is like answering every desire and wish that you have ever had. Because when you are with your Soulmate it doesn’t matter whether you have $10 dollars or $20 billion dollars. Happiness and success will appear where your heart leads you. How to attract your Soulmate has everything to do with you being on your life path which is something I would love to cover for you in the next article.

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Tammy Adams has been an Intuitive Life Coach & Spiritual Healer for over 30 years. Tammy can communicate with your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides. Through this communication, Tammy can help you remove the blockages that are holding you back from achieving your life’s purpose and being with your soulmate. She can cleanse chakras and heal people emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Tammy's goal is to help as many people as possible accomplish what they were born to achieve. She has been blessed with this Divine communication throughout all of her lifetimes. During this lifetime, she has had the blessed opportunity to be able to learn from notable spiritual thought leaders of our time. Most notably Pope John Paul II, the Visionaries of Medjugorje, a Hopi Shaman, Tibetan Monks, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta to name a few. Tammy is also an author, radio show host and public speaker. She has written a handbook on chakras titled, "Secrets to your Chakras." She hosts a weekly radio show, "Karma Talks," on and most recently was asked to be a participant of the "Yoga for the UN: Culture of Peace," in Santa Monica, CA.

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