
Are you with the right lover? Is he or she the one?

Are you with the right lover? Is he or she the one?

Sponsored Content from Tammy Adams, Intuitive Life Coach & Spiritual Healer

Photo Courtesy of the Sponsor

Many people are looking for love. Some are under the suspicion that maybe it does not exist especially with the way the world is today. Well, I can tell you that we all have someone out there for us, one person who is just meant to be with you.

Here is the big question you must ask yourself: Is he or she the one?

Do you feel as though you are with the person who makes you feel as though the world revolves around you? Do you think you are with the person who will be loyal all the days you are together in this lifetime? Do you feel as though your heart is fulfilled with the love you are receiving?

Settling for Less

Many people settle for less. I know this sounds not so wonderful, but I see it all the time. So many of us feel as though we should just settle down and have someone who is “okay,” even if they’re not amazing to us. Are you one of these people? Do you feel as though you have settled or do you know you are with the one? When I say “the one,” I mean your dream come true, the love of your life, your SOULMATE!

Maybe you haven’t had much support as you were growing up and your self-esteem is not so high. You have to have self-worth, self-confidence and self-love in order to be in balance and prepared to welcome true love into your life. If you don’t have these three things, you will settle for less and won’t experience the love of your life.

Believe in Love

Do you believe in true love? Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in love lasting forever? The only way we know we are with the one is we would feel it in our own hearts. It will not come from your brain or your thoughts. It has nothing to do with logic. Love stories renew and reinforce your faith in love. Love stories are famous throughout history and literature, they are immortal.

Few couples understand sacrifice quite like the story of Odysseus and Penelope. After being torn apart, they waited twenty long years to be reunited. War took Odysseus away shortly after his marriage to Penelope. Although she had little hope of his return, she resisted 108 suitors who were anxious to replace her husband. Odysseus was equally devoted. He refused a beautiful sorceress’s offer of everlasting love and eternal youth. He did so that he could return to his wife and son. Let Odysseus and Penelope be an example that true love is worth waiting for.


Our Angels have been given to us as great gifts. They are help us by guiding us, protecting us, carrying us and much more. Our creator, God, has given us an even bigger gift, all that we have: life, breath, food, but most importantly, LOVE. Love is everlasting in our hearts. It is a gift you cannot create or imagine. It is bigger and greater than our own expectations.

Are you with the person you are meant to be with? If not, what is stopping you from moving forward? Don’t stop your heart from having the most amazing gift of love. Let yourself be free and find true love.

God Bless,

Tammy Adams

Tammy Adams, Intuitive Life Coach & Spiritual Healer. Learn more at

Tammy Adams has been an Intuitive Life Coach & Spiritual Healer for over 30 years. Tammy can communicate with your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides. Through this communication, Tammy can help you remove the blockages that are holding you back from achieving your life’s purpose and being with your soulmate. She can cleanse chakras and heal people emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Tammy's goal is to help as many people as possible accomplish what they were born to achieve. She has been blessed with this Divine communication throughout all of her lifetimes. During this lifetime, she has had the blessed opportunity to be able to learn from notable spiritual thought leaders of our time. Most notably Pope John Paul II, the Visionaries of Medjugorje, a Hopi Shaman, Tibetan Monks, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta to name a few. Tammy is also an author, radio show host and public speaker. She has written a handbook on chakras titled, "Secrets to your Chakras." She hosts a weekly radio show, "Karma Talks," on and most recently was asked to be a participant of the "Yoga for the UN: Culture of Peace," in Santa Monica, CA.

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