
13 Affirmations for Stretching Beyond Your Boundaries

13 Affirmations for Stretching Beyond Your Boundaries

Jacob Ammentorp Lund/Thinkstock

Here are some affirmations to get you from a place of reluctance to that wonderful feeling of “Woo! I cannot believe I just did that!”

My daughter recently decided she wanted her ears pierced. We prepped for the big day by watching videos of other second-graders getting their ears pierced on YouTube. We purchased the antibacterial gel. I pinched her earlobes a few times a day to get her used to the pain. We were totally prepared.

But when Saturday morning came, my daughter was a wreck. She hid behind me at the jewelry store, and once the first ear was pierced, we had to coach her into doing the second. Finally, with the little stars sparkling in her ears and tears drying on her cheeks, she was relaxed and proud. “Now,” the jeweler told her, “you can do anything.”

Moving beyond where we are comfortable and willing to go is painful. Sometimes that’s physical pain, sometimes that’s emotional pain, and, as anyone who has run a marathon will tell you, sometimes it’s both. But when we do get past our boundaries—ideally on our own steam, though sometimes via a push—it’s incredibly liberating. Here are some affirmations to get you from a place of reluctance to that wonderful feeling of “Woo! I cannot believe I just did that!”

  • There are no obstacles in my path.
  • I embody my strength.
  • I have all the tools I need for success.
  • My actions are perfectly aligned with my goals.
  • I’m dynamic. I’m incredible!
  • Today, I reach for my fullest potential.
  • Mountain, move out of my way!
  • I am open; I am free.
  • I move to the place where I am limitless.
  • Past boundaries are falling away.
  • I write the story.
  • I am the hero, and I shall prevail.
  • Blessings are waiting for me, so I step toward them.

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