
3 Tips for Building a Meditation Habit

3 Tips for Building a Meditation Habit

Sponsored Content from Grokker


The benefits of meditation and mindfulness are numerous. Scientific studies have demonstrated many benefits of meditation from reduced stress, to increased productivity and focus, to overall happiness and health benefits.

You’re interested in starting a meditation habit, but not sure where or how to begin because something so straightforward somehow feels so overwhelming. Here are 3 easy steps to help you build your own healthy meditation habit.

1. Start Small

Whenever you want to build a new habit, it’s best to establish a series of small, achievable milestones as goals. Consistently reaching these milestones will help solidify your new habit!

A good starting goal to build a meditation habit is to resolve to invest just 5-10 minutes meditating 2 times a week. Consistently achieving this early goal for a few weeks will feel good and sets the stage for you to increase both the time invested and the number of days a week you meditate. Working your way up to a daily meditation habit.

2. Make a Plan

One sure-fire way to increase the likelihood that you will make meditation a habit is to schedule it into your day. Yes, I do mean making a calendar appointment for it, just like you would a meeting with your boss. Having your meditation time already allocated removes the need to make a decision about ‘what to do’ during that time.

It’s likely you already invest some time each week to review your upcoming calendar of commitments. Use that time to schedule in the time you will devote to your new meditation habit.

3. Begin with Guided Meditation

“…but I don’t know HOW to meditate” is a common obstacle preventing people from beginning a meditation at all. A fear of ‘doing it wrong’ or having to learn a particular technique are both common. Guided meditation videos are a great way to begin because you just hit play, watch, listen and follow along.

If you are interested in trying guided meditations, Grokker has many meditation videos to help you get started.

Following these 3 steps will help you build the daily meditation habit to increase your mindfulness, reduce your stress and benefit your overall feeling of wellbeing.

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