7 Coloring Books to Calm Your Mind
The popularity of coloring books is no surprise considering the benefits—from stress-relief to mindful awareness. Color your way to peace with these 7 picks from Spirituaity & Health.

Perfectly sized to fit into a pocket or handbag, The Mindfulness Coloring Book: Anti-Stress Art Therapy for Busy People (The Experiment) by illustrator Emma Farrarons combines elements of nature alongside rolling waves and kaleidoscopic designs.

Jim Gogarty started drawing mandalas after a spiritual awakening during meditation. His new book Stress Less Coloring: Mandalas: 100+ Coloring Pages for Peace and Relaxation (Adams Media, Sept 2015) offers a creative path to calm the mind.

Step into the mystical and magical with this coloring book designed to not only relieve stress, but step into mindfulness. Sacred Symbols: Coloring Experiences for the Mystical and Magical (HarperOne; Oct 2015)

Uninspired by mandalas and prefer a more vintage aesthetic? Try this beautiful book: The Art of Nature Coloring Book: 60 Illustrations Inspired by Vintage Botanical and Scientific Prints (Adams Media).

Color Yourself Calm: A Mindfulness Coloring Book (Barron's) not only offers wonderful pages filled with intricate mandalas, but quotes and mindfulness techniques to boot.

Cheer up your day with Color Me Happy: 100 Coloring Templates That Will Make You Smile (Quarto Knows). Art therapist Lacy Mucklow and illustrator Angela Porter collaborate on this Zen coloring book organized in therapeutically-themed chapters.
Organized into therapeutically-themed chapters
Lacy Mucklow and artist Angela Porter
Art therapist Lacy Mucklow and artist Angela Porter - See more at: http://www.quartoknows.com/books/9781937994761/Color-Me-Happy.html#sthas...

Check out artist Wendy Piersall's captivating time-lapse video of coloring a page from her book Coloring Flower Mandalas: 30 Hand-drawn Deisgns for Mindful Relaxation. (Ulysses Press)