
  Would You Choose to Incarnate as You?

Would You Choose to Incarnate as You?

Illustration Credit: Owl Mouse; Bear Blue by Drew Mosley

Lightworkers, according to “believe that we are spirits playing a game in a human body and as such we have difficulty remembering who we are and why we are here”; so last October about 100 Lightworkers gathered in Scottsdale to rewrite the game with better rules.

Declaration of Spirit Rights

We, the Embodied Spirits of Earth, in order to form a more peaceful global existence at a higher level of evolution—one that is established in integrity and responsibility, ensures global and domestic tranquility, provides for the common good, promotes healthy and joyous welfare, and secures the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves and for Posterity—do ordain and establish this Declaration of Spirit Rights. We, the Embodied Spirits of Divine Sovereignty, hold these truths to be self-evident:

  1. All spirits have the right prior to incarnating to choose any form of physical expression for their incarnation, including gender, body type, race, creed, color, physical impairment, ethnic or genetic line.
  2. After incarnating, all Embodied Spirits have the right of Free Choice in all things, including the path they choose to follow and choices they make concerning the bodies they inhabit.
  3. All Embodied Spirits have the right at any time to choose their exit and return Home without prejudice.
  4. All Embodied Spirits have the right to choose any form of reflection and connection to Home, including but not limited to science, religion, meditation, any belief system or practice. It is hereby understood that there are many paths Home and none are exclusive.
  5. In order to fully embrace their human experience and overcome obstacles that may be blocking their paths, all Embodied Spirits have the right to request inspiration from their Higher Selves, the Angelic Realm, the Animal Kingdom, the Elementals, or any other energies they choose to help them re-member.
  6. All Embodied Spirits have the right to revise their life scripts as many times as they please during each incarnation.
  7. All Embodied Spirits have an equal right to rise to their highest expression of light within an incarnation without regard to where they began their journey.
  8. All Embodied Spirits have the right to evolve at their chosen pace, including but not limited to making quantum leaps in consciousness.
  9. All Embodied Spirits have equal rights to experience, enjoy, and express the abundance of Earth in all of its forms.
  10. All Embodied Spirits have the inalienable right to equality in all areas, and these are exercised by honoring these base values in their own lives.

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