
  Green Day

Green Day

Filmmaker Sergei Boutenko explains why he starts his morning with a green smoothie.

In the summer of 2013, I rounded up 10 endurance athletes (five ultrarunners and five CrossFitters), put them on a green smoothie challenge for six weeks, and documented the results. To ensure that my experiment was scientific, I put every participant through a series of blood tests and demanding endurance tests, and consulted with numerous medical professionals throughout the experiment. The results of this project were fascinating. Even though all of my athletes were healthy and fit to begin with, they managed to further improve their health and endurance simply by drinking whole-food-based green smoothies.

Perhaps the most striking change I observed in the blood work of my athletes was a significant reduction in C-reactive protein, which is produced by the liver. The more inflammation is present in the body, the higher the level of CRP. All but one of my athletes saw a significant reduction in their C-reactive protein. Less inflammation translated to athletes feeling lighter on their feet, healing workout-related injuries, and improving their post-exercise recovery times.

The comments of the athletes who took part in this informal experiment are so inspiring, I like to think they will make everyone who watches my film strap on their running shoes and reach for a green smoothie. I was no exception. Seeing my friends go through such profound changes has reinspired me to drink my smoothies. Every morning after brushing my teeth and splashing cold water on my face, I head straight for the Vitamix and pulverize my greens. You could say I drink green smoothies for breakfast because being inflamed sucks!

Recipe: Green Basil Bomb

Blend until smooth:

  • ½ bunch dinosaur kale
  • ½ bunch purple kale
  • 1 medium bunch basil
  • 1 orange
  • 1 ripe pear
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 cups water

Learn more about Sergei and his film at

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